Medical Marijuana for Gastrointestinal Problems

Need for Medical Marijuana

The need to have medical marijuana for gastrointestinal problems arises when conventional medications fail to heal the problems. One reason could be the intensity of disorders which has grown to critical or chronic conditions. The second reason could be the maladjustment between the patient’s gastrointestinal GI) organs and the conventional medications and treatments.

Why Use Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana for Gastrointestinal Problems

Medical Marijuana

The gut (GI) organs consist of many endocannabinoid receptors. They are stated to be responsible for the key functions like motility, hunger signaling, and the interaction of the GI with the various types of microbial elements within the system.  Medical marijuana can activate the various receptors within every GI organ. The result is natural healing of the disorders and diseases.

There are several benefits of using medical marijuana for GI disorders.

  • The endocannabinoid receptors accept the ingredients without resistance
  • Experiments and the patients’ experience show little or no side effects
  • Healing and recovery initiates within a short time
  • Removal of indigested foods is smooth and swift
  • The natural increase in appetite and digestion rate

Marijuana for GI disorders

Gut Motility Problems

Gut motility is the primary and most important function of the GI system. The stretching and contraction of the GI tract push the food throughout the digestive tract.

Symptoms: nausea, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, etc.

Probable Causes: Stress is stated to be the main cause of motility problems which may result in abnormal motor action of the gut motility action. The growth of stress factors could be gradual in the initial stages. There could be a sharp rise in the disorder at times due to excess of alcohol, abnormal eating, trauma, and other medical conditions.

Probable Effects:  Prolonged constipation and diarrhea conditions could lead to critical stress on the motility tracts. It could lead to intestinal paralysis, spasms, and abdominal disorder, etc.

Suggested-Treatment:  Medical marijuana has an immediate and intensive impact on the tract muscles and lining. The active ingredients like the CBD, CBT, CBC, CBL, and others can reduce the stress levels on the digestive tracts. They also eliminate all the accumulated toxic elements from the tract. The two impacts relax the entire GI tract muscles and tissues.

The generation of digestive juices and the restoration of gut mobility can restore the GI back to its normal activities. The process could be gradual or fast, depending on the intensity of the motility problem.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Bowel movements are part of the GI system. They help in the smooth removal of solid waste from the human body. The contraction and expansion of the bowel walls are consistent and continuous in healthy conditions.

Symptoms: Constant abdomen pain, feeling of cramp, trapping of gas, constipation, blood in excretion, anus pain, etc.

Probable Causes:  excess of alcohol, intestinal inflammation, infections, stress, food-allergy, or a hormonal disorder.

Suggested-Treatment: Medical marijuana can reduce the immediate impact of alcohol by breaking it down into the basic ingredients. It is possible to reduce the content of alcohol in the blood to a considerable extent with CBD. Medical marijuana may have traces of THC apart from CBD. Though THC is stated to be a psychedelic stimulant, it can also play a prominent role in reducing the pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome. Your doctor will know the exact ratio of THC (if required) to be added to medical marijuana.


The rectum and anus have a complex network of veins, which connect to the interior of the mesenteric veins. They are responsible for the flow of blood from the intestines into the rectum. It is responsible for the smooth functioning of the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoid is a condition of the veins, which block the proper functioning of the rectum and the anus. The veins become too thin and it results in excess to chronic pain while excreting.

Symptoms: bowel movements leading to bleeding, anus swelling, persisting pain, inability to sit, constant feeling of bowel pressure, etc.

Probable Causes: continued constipation condition without proper treatment, infections, poor or no consumption of water, excess of alcohol without proper consumption of food, nervous instability, etc.

Suggested-Treatment: Use of medical marijuana can reduce symptoms like bleeding. It is due to the reduced stress on the anus veins. Now, they can expand and allow the smooth flow of blood. The stretching and compression of anus muscles will be without friction.

The most important effect could be the hydration of the rectus and anus parts. Hemorrhoid often results in dehydration of the rectum region. The disorder also eliminates many of the essential fluids required for the smooth function. CBD and CBC can restore the hydrated condition within a short time. Hence, the pain will reduce naturally.

The time for the entire process of healing and recovery depends on the intensity and stage of Hemorrhoid. Your doctor will know the exact dosage and duration of medical marijuana treatment.

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What is gastritis? How to diagnose gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation of inner stomach lining. It is an abnormal condition in which the production of mucus and enzymes responsible for digestion and protection from germs and harmful acids gets reduced considerably. The irritation of the protective inner lining leads to inflammation.

What is Gastritis?

What is Gastritis?

Generic Symptoms

Stomach ache and discomfort in the abdominal section are stated to be the primary symptoms of gastritis. Abdomen bloating, nausea and vomiting, acid reflux, and indigestion could be the other probable symptoms. However, they are not specific to gastritis alone.

For example, abdomen bloating can be caused by accumulation of fluids which is called Ascites. Nausea and vomiting could be caused by indigestion or constipation. Acid reflux could be caused by excess of spicy or junk foods. Hence it could be difficult to assess the condition as related to gastritis. In some cases there could be no clear symptoms of gastritis in the early stages.

What is Gastropathy?

Gastropathy is stated to be the gastritis mucosal disorder. It may not be always associated with inflammation. But it certainly means abnormal behavior of the stomach with certain specific similar symptoms.

Generic Types of Gastritis

  • Alcoholic gastritis:  Excess alcohol consumption can lead to destruction of the inner stomach lining. It becomes severe due to lack or absence of food consumption after drinking. Visible symptoms could be blood in stool and vomit, stomach bloating, and intense acid reflux.
  • Bacterial gastritis: Certain types of bacteria found in foods like meat, pork, milk, and poultry products may cause gastritis.
  • Autoimmune gastritis: It is stated to be a condition in which the immune systems in the body start destroying the cells on the inner stomach lining. It s also called the atrophic gastritis which could lead to cancer risks.
  • Erosive gastritis:  Erosive gastritis s stated to be related to the formation of ulcers on the inner stomach lining due to erosion. It could be caused by excess of narcotic drugs, steroids, and diseases like Crohn’s.

Gastritis Classification Criteria

The classification of gastritis is stated to be based on the parameters of etiology, pathogenesis, nomenclature variation, and proposed pathophysiology. Etiology is related to study of causes. Pathogenesis is the analysis of the progressive stages. Nomenclature is related to the naming of gastritis types.  Pathophysiology is related to the study of disorders resulting from gastritis. Most of them are based on the parameters of intensity, stage, and the duration for which the symptoms may persist.

Gastritis Diagnosis

Mucosal Biopsy

The biopsy is stated to be for the detection of infection by Helicobacter Pylori. The first step in this process is stated to be the gastric antrum biopsy. The CLO test in the second step is stated to reveal the presence of H-Pylori.

The biopsy will also help in determining whether the condition is gastritis or Gastropathy for which the treatments may vary. This method of biopsy for the gastritis is stated to be an improvement over the conventional endoscopy which may lead to inaccurate results.

Laboratory Testing

  • H-Pylori Non Invasive Testing:  The test is used for determining the level and stage of damages to the epithelial cells of gastric mucosa due to the inflammation conditions. The tests include serology, urine test, blood test, or urea breath test. These tests are stated to be non invasive, since there is no incision or introduction of external objects into the body.
  • Biochemical Marker Test:  The internal symptoms of gastritis could be detected by the change in the conditions and characteristics of Pepsinogen serums secreted by the gastric glands. The three glands are said to be Oxyntic, Cardiac and Pyloric. The testing will also show the exact category and subcategory of the gastritis. It is possible to estimate the level of inflammation and related degenerative factors. The only stated limitation is its inability to differentiate the atrophic and non-atrophic types of gastritis among patients who are stated to carry the risk of gastric cancer.

Serologic Immunologic Markers Test

Serologic Immunologic Markers Test in the lab

Serologic Immunologic Markers Test in the lab

This method of testing is stated to be effective for diagnosing the chronic autoimmune gastritis. It could be done through blood tests. The aim is to test the antibodies created by the immunity systems and their influence on the gastritis conditions. It is also stated to be noninvasive because there are no incisions and insertions of external objects into the body.

Biopsy Benefits over Other Methods

Gi Doctors doing Endoscopy for Gastritis patient

Gi Doctors doing Endoscopy for Gastritis patient

According to pathologists, the application of endoscopy and biopsy can help in better diagnosis of gastritis. Biopsy helps in detecting the areas within the abdomen lining on which the biopsy tests have to be performed. Biopsy helps in accurate determination of the gastritis nomenclature, stage, intensity, and all the related facts at present.

  • Effectiveness: Biopsy will be effective when the pathologist determines all types of abnormal conditions and reports them. It could be due to the need for assessing the premalignant lesions at different locations. Pathologists also suggest multiple biopsies to increase the accuracy levels of diagnosis.
  • Differentiation:  Biopsies may include the sampling of normal epithelial cell s which may be located adjacent to the gastritis affected cells. They may help in determining the probability of progression through internal infections and other related issues. They may also help in differentiating the conditions of the normal epithelial cells and the affected cells within the same zone.


  • Awareness: The patient should be aware of the reasons for which the pathologist is recommending biopsy. Some of the patients could be ignorant and develop negative attitude towards biopsy.
  • Disease Types:  Gastritis and Gastropathy are the two basic types of diseases associated with inner lining of the stomach. The first type involves inflammation, while the second one may not have any inflammation.
  • Best Diagnosis: Biopsy is stated to be the best method of diagnosis as it gives accurate results without any ambiguity. It can achieve better results when the communication between the pathologist and the endoscopist is efficient and streamlined.

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What are probiotics? Which is the best probiotic? How do you take them?


What are Probiotics and their benefits to Gut?

What are Probiotics and their benefits to Gut?

Probiotics are the microorganisms that are beneficial for the deliberate manipulation of the intestinal micro flora. They are stated to be natural methods for disease control and healing, since they don’t generate the side effects like the antibiotics. At the same time they are stated to be more powerful than the other two methods of probiotics and the fecal transplant.

Probiotics Sources

The known sources of probiotics are the foods, cultured milk products, stains of lactic acid bacilli, Escherichia coli, Clostridium butyricum, Streptococcus salivarius, and Saccharomyces boulardii.

Probiotics Research

Scientists are conducting advanced researches on the genetically engineered bacteria that can have positive influence on the human immune system.

Reasons to take probiotics

Intestinal Micro Flora

The primary goal is to eliminate/deactivate the harmful bacteria that cause diseases.  The other reasons to take probiotics are to enable the secretion of immuno-modulators for improving natural immunity, and to prevent the recurrence of diseases and disorders that have the root causes in the intestinal micro flora.

  • Overcome Resistance:  Certain species of the intestinal micro flora / pathogens can develop antibiotics resistance. Then the efficacy of the antibiotics will be diminished considerably. In such cases the scientists will have to change the ingredients, concentration, and try the other methods. The Probiotics have no such limitations.
  • Avoid/reduce Side Effects: The consistent consumption of antibiotics can lead to many side effects. For example, the probiotics can reduce the infections to the respiratory tracts and diarrhea conditions.  Probiotics also reduce the need for using the antibiotics to prevent the secondary levels of infections.
  • Improved Barrier Performance:  The intestinal epithelium acts as the natural barrier for filtering the various types of foreign-antigens, bacteria, and their toxic byproducts. The probiotics can improve the performance of the barrier. The first benefit is the tightening of the epithelial junctions. It is achieved by the synthesis of proteins to strengthen the junctions. The second benefit is the protection of the gut-barrier. They also defend the epithelium from pathogen attacks. The third benefit is the prevention of toxic elements accumulation in the intestine that may lead to diseases like the inflammatory bowels, Celiac, gastrointestinal disorders and the alcoholic liver.
  • Pain Reduction/Modulation:  Most of the intestinal disorders and diseases cause unbearable pain in the intestine, liver, kidneys, uterus (female), lower back, and the connected internal organs and the muscles. The Probiotics can generate the numbing effects by interacting with the CB1and CB2 receptors that are present in the brain, liver, kidney, intestine, and the other organs to reduce / suppress the sensations of pain. In many cases they perform the functions of the cannabinoid.
  • Improved Immunity: Probiotics can induce the effects of natural immunity into the human body by interacting with the secretion of the Immuno-modulators. They can increase the strength and the efficiency of the immunity systems. The interleukin-10 and the trefoil factors (TFF) are some of them secreted by the probiotics. Breast milk contains large concentration of the TFF which can protect the newborn infant from many of the diseases and disorders. Hence, the medical experts strongly recommend breastfeeding for the babies.

Are Probiotics Good for You

Benefits of Probiotics

Benefits of Probiotics

The medical reasons to take probiotics are many, including the healing of diseases caused by the intestinal micro flora. The biggest benefits are the secretion of the Probiotics proteins and DNA. They can alter the behavior of the harmful bacteria and the pathogens.


The probiotics differ in their function from the antibiotics in the way they interact with the pathogens and the harmful bacteria. Instead of trying to kill or suppress, they alter the primary behavior of the pathogens which cause the diseases and disorders.

  • Diarrhea Cure/Prevention: Diarrhea can cause dehydration in the children and the adults. It can also lead to other intestinal and internal organs infections and diseases. Probiotics can naturally heal the symptoms and prevent the effects of the pathogens from causing harmful side effects. They can cure the body from the effects of various types like the infectious diarrhea, rotavirus diarrhea, and the other diarrheal illness like the Collagenous colitis.
  • Constipation Cure:  One of the most regularly affecting disorders for the children, teens, adults, and the elders is the constipation. The Probiotics can restore the defecation frequency and the stool consistency to the normal conditions.
  • IBS Cure: Probiotics are highly helpful for the curing of irritable bowel syndrome. The efficacy of the treatment is seen more in the experience of the healing effects by the patients.
Representation of Probiotics in the Gut (Human Digestive System)

Representation of Probiotics in the Gut (Human Digestive System)

The biggest benefit of using the Probiotics is the long term suppression of the incurable disorders like the alcoholic liver conditions. Experience has shown that the consumption of the antibiotics only suppresses the effects for a short span of time. The probiotics on the other hand can restructure the intestinal flora which is responsible for the further damages caused to the liver. They preserve the existing health conditions of the liver without letting them deteriorate further. Meanwhile, the patient can try and improve the conditions of the intestine and live through abstinence, diet management, and hydration of the intestine and the liver. Similarly, the probiotics provide healing for many other incurable infections, diseases and disorders.  


The treatments using the probiotics can benefit many of the patients suffering from allergy, H. pylori infection, mesenteric ischemia, hepatic encephalopathy, etc. The scientists are engaged in culturing new stains of the Probiotics for the advanced and chronic stages of the diseases.

Which is the Best probiotic?

Best Probiotics - VLS#3

One of the best Probiotics – VLS#3

The determination of which is the best probiotic depends on the type of disease for which you seek treatment. There are many parameters involved in the selection of the best Probiotic. For example, they may include the specific disease, at a specific intensity, at a specific stage, and at specific health and immunity conditions for a specific patient. However, we can name a few of the probiotic which have been found to be efficient and effective. They are the VSL#3, Align (B. infantis), Culturelle (L. rhamnosus GG), DanActive (L. casei), Mutaflor (E. coli Nissle 1917), and Florastor (S. boulardii).

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Rectal Bleeding Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment

Acute rectal bleeding, also known as lower gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding, is the loss of fresh blood from the colon.

Blood in stool can result from a number of causes usually categorized as:

  • Anatomic or diverticulosis
  • Anflammatory such as infections and inflammatory bowel disease
  • Vascular such as angiodysplasia, radiation induced causes, and ischemic,
  • And neoplastic causes.
Rectal Bleeding Management

Rectal Bleeding Management

Acute lower GI bleeding can also result from polypectomy and other similar therapeutic interventions. This article looks at the clinical manifestations of acute rectal bleeding, its diagnosis, management, and treatment.

Clinical Manifestation

Patients with lower GI bleeding usually report hematochezia, which refers to the passage of bright red or maroon blood or clots from the rectum. Blood from the left side of the colon is usually bright red in color while the blood coming from the right side has a darker or maroon appearance and it may be mixed with the patient’s stool. It’s very rare for patients bleeding from the right side of the colon to have melena.

Patients with acute bleeding from the anus should also have normocytic red blood cells. Chronic lower GI bleeding can also be a sign of iron or microcytic red blood cells deficiency. Contrary to upper GI bleeding, a patient with acute rectal bleeding while showing a normal renal perfusion should also show signs of normal blood urea nitrogen.

Initial Evaluation and Management of Acute Lower GI Bleeding

Rectal Bleeding Treatment

Rectal Bleeding Treatment

Initial evaluation of a patient with signs of acute rectal bleeding should run parallel with the management of the condition. The goal of the initial evaluation is to find out if the blood is originating from the lower GI tract, check for the severity of the bleeding, find the most appropriate setting for the patient, and implement the necessary supportive measures before initiating resuscitation. After completing these initial steps, other diagnostic studies such as colonoscopy can follow based on the American College of Gastroenterology 2016 guidelines.


Initial Evaluation

There are several steps to follow in the initial evaluation which include getting the patient’s history, doing a physical examination, conducting laboratory tests, and if necessary doing a nasogastric lavage or upper endoscopy. The goal of this evaluation is to confirm that the bleeding is not coming from the upper gastrointestinal tract and that the condition can be effectively managed.

  • History

It’s important to get the patient’s medical history at the initial stage. Find out if the patient has had previous episodes of lower or upper GI bleeding. This will help you identify potential causes for the bleeding that may influence further management of the condition. Inquire about the patient’s medication use focusing on drugs or agents that could potentially cause bleeding or impair coagulation such as anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and any other antiplatelet agent the patient may have used in the past.

  • Physical Examination

Physical examination involves the assessment of the patient’s hemodynamic stability and his or her stool to check for the presence of melena or hematochezia. Check if the patient has abdominal pain which could be a sign of an inflammatory bleeding source, for example infectious colitis, ischemic, or a perforation such as a perforated peptic ulcer.

  • Laboratory Tests

Laboratory tests done on the patient should include serum chemistries, liver tests, complete blood count, and coagulation tests. The patient’s hemoglobin level should be checked after every 2 to 8 hours depending on how severe the bleeding is.


The first step in the management of a patient suspected to have acute rectum bleeding is to find the most appropriate setting for the patient, which could be outpatient, inpatient, or intensive care unit. A colonoscopy and endoscopy doctor in South Florida will also provide the patient with general supportive measures at this stage which can include adequate intravenous access and oxygen supply. Management will also involve giving the patient the necessary blood and fluid product resuscitation and management of anti-coagulants, coagulopathies, and anti-platelet agents.

A patient with high-risk features such as hemodynamic instability usually characterized by orthostatic hypotension and shock, comorbid illness, or persistent bleeding should be transferred to intensive care unit for closer observation and the necessary therapeutic intervention. Close observation for a high-risk patient in the ICU will include electrocardiogram monitoring, pulse oximetry, and automated monitoring of the patient’s blood pressure.

Some of the key features used to categorize high risk and low risk patients include hemodynamic stability, advanced age, comorbid illness, persistent bleeding, rectal bleeding in a patient admitted for another illness, a previous history of angiodysplasia or diverticulosis bleeding, aspirin use, a non-tender abdomen, a high-level of blood urea nitrogen, anemia, and an abnormal count of white blood cells.

Management should also include the following:

  • General supportive measures such as supplemental oxygen through the nasal cannula rather than the mouth just in case an upper endoscopy is urgently needed.
  • Fluid resuscitation and stabilization with intravenous fluids.
  • Blood transfusion. Young patients who don’t have comorbid illness may not require blood transfusion unless their hemoglobin levels drop below 7 g/dL. Older patients will require blood transfusion to maintain higher hemoglobin levels of 9g/dL and above.


Rectal Bleeding treatment in Florida

Rectal Bleeding treatment in Florida

After you have ruled out upper GI as the source of the bleeding, the first step of diagnosis is colonoscopy. Other diagnostic studies usually conducted on patients with lower GI bleeding include radionuclide imaging, mesenteric angiography, and computed tomographic or CT angiography.

Colonoscopy in high-risk patients or those with ongoing bleeding should be done within 24 hours after adequate bowel preparation.

Treatment of Lower GI Bleeding

The treatment of the bleeding site focuses on the source of the bleeding. The bleeding can be controlled in most cases by specific therapies applied during colonoscopy or angiography. Surgery is rarely required in most cases but if it has to be done, it will be important to first determine the source of the bleeding and what has caused it.


The treatment of rectal hemorrhoids and bleeding starts with an initial evaluation which includes the patient’s medical history, an overall physical examination, and laboratory tests. In some cases, it may be necessary to conduct upper endoscopy or nasogastric lavage to confirm the source of bleeding is actually in the lower GI tract. The actual treatment will depend on the source and cause of bleeding. In most cases treatment is done during the colonoscopy or angiography phase. Most rectal bleeding patients with red stool or black stool symptoms rarely require surgery.  

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Hepatitis C Treatment and Management

Both acute and chronic hepatitis are caused by the Hepatitis C Virus known in short as HCV. Acute hepatitis rarely leads to hepatic failure but can cause chronic infection. Chronic HCV infection progresses gradually over several years and can eventually result in more serious conditions such as hepatocellular carcinoma, cirrhosis, and even call for a liver transplantation. This article looks at the general management and counseling given to patients with chronic hepatitis C Virus infection by doctors who treat hepatitis C in Florida and elsewhere in the world.

Initial Evaluation

Hepatitis C Tests

Various Hepatitis C Tests

The main objective of any initial evaluation of patients diagnosed with hepatitis C virus should include the following examinations:

  • Evaluation of how extensive the liver disease has spread. Identifying the extent of advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis will call for additional monitoring.
  • Evaluation of viral and host factors that help to determine the bet antiviral selection. Viral and host factors to be assessed include the stage of liver fibrosis, the patient’s medical history prior to the antiviral treatment, assessment of the patient’s renal function, and identification of any concurrent medicines the patient uses.
  • The objective of the initial evaluation should also focus on identifying comorbidities related to hepatitis C virus infection such as the renal disease associated with HCV, Cryoglobulinemia, and other autoimmune disorders.

Patients with HCV infection should also be tested for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) since these viruses have a common mode of transmission and a rapid rate of progression.


Counseling plays a key role in treatment and management of hepatitis C virus infection. The latest treatment for hep C incorporates counseling as a critical component of the management of the condition. This is because most hepatitis C patients are usually asymptomatic at the diagnosis stage but as the infection progresses, the condition can have adverse physical, mental, and emotional consequences on the patient.

Counseling and control of depression are key factors to consider during diagnosis and follow up. Most patients usually have an easier time coping with the condition when they participate in support group sessions with fellow patients and counselors.

Counseling should also focus on the adverse effects of illicit drug use on a patient with HCV infection. There are many HCV patients who also have problems with illicit drug use. In such cases, the patients are advised to seek for psychiatric help, enroll in substance abuse treatment, or go for an opioid substitution therapy.

Hepatitis C counseling should also focus on the transmission of the virus. HCV is mainly transmitted via exposure to infected blood. Patients should be advised on specific routes of the virus transmission and how they can avoid or decrease chances of transmitting the virus to other people. Women who can still bear children should be advised on the risk of prenatal transmission too.

Diet and Lifestyle Behavior

Diet for Hepatitis C Management

Diet for Hepatitis C Management

It will be important to advise patients on the effect of some lifestyle behaviors to HCV. There are some lifestyle factors that can accelerate HCV infection to a full-blown liver disease or some other equally serious ailment. These habits include continued alcohol use, marijuana use, insulin resistance, and obesity.

Due to the close link between these habits and a rapid progression of liver disease, patients are advised to completely avoid alcohol and drugs. Obese patients are also encouraged to lose weight while cigarette and marijuana smokers are advised to quit the habits.   

For better nutrition, patients are encouraged to take at least two or three cups of coffee every day. Coffee is beneficial to liver health and has been linked to reduced risk of liver disease hospitalization. Taking more than two cups of coffee each day helps in the management of chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

General Management of HCV

Hepatitis C Treatment and Management

Hepatitis – C Treatment

Treatment of chronic HCV infection relies heavily on antiviral therapy. If you searched for the best liver doctor near me, you’ll notice that they all use and advocate for antiviral therapy. HCV is comparatively easier to treat today using modern antiviral therapies than it was in the past. The virus can be treated and completely eliminated in most cases using antiviral therapy.

General management of the illness will also involve symptom management, adjustment of medication dosage, and preventing further complications especially when cirrhosis is present. HCV patients will often complain of fatigue and may be susceptible to depression. To combat fatigue and improve the patient’s overall quality of life, a sustained virologic response (SVR) is highly recommended after the antiviral therapy.

Adjustment of medication dosage may not be necessary for prescriptions or over-the-counter medications for HCV-infected patients with normal hepatic function. Most patients may be concerned about taking medications such as acetaminophen because it is believed to cause liver injury when taken in high dosage. It is therefore important to ensure that the patient’s dose of acetaminophen does not exceed 2 grams in every 24 hours.    

Antiviral Therapy

The objective of antiviral therapy in HCV-infected patients is to eliminate HCV RNA through sustained virologic response (SVR). The RNA level should be undetectable 12 weeks after the completion of the therapy.

Monitoring Viral Levels During Antiviral Therapy

During treatment, viral levels are monitored with interferon-free regimens but this has proved to be less effective as large clinical trials on interferon-free regimens have shown that the threshold they achieve does not give an accurate prediction after 4 weeks of treatment. It is therefore recommended to check HCV RNA levels on the 4th week of treatment using quantitative testing.


Hepatitis C is caused by the HCV virus. The first step in the management of HCV-infected patients is an initial evaluation, which involves assessment of various factors including the extent of liver disease, and examination of viral and host factors such as viral genotype, the patient’s history of antiviral treatment, the stage of liver fibrosis, medication use, and renal function. These factors show optimal viral selection and identify the presence of comorbidities linked to HCV infection.  

Counseling is an important step in management of Hepatitis C. Patients are advised on how they can minimize transmission risk and about lifestyle factors that can accelerate liver diseases such as alcohol consumption, smoking, marijuana use, and obesity. Feel free to consult a liver specialist in south Florida for Hepatitis treatment or to get answers to any related question you may have. 

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Splenda, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease: Can Artificial Sweeteners Worsen Effects?

A recent study by Dr. Alex Rodriguez-Palacios, DVM, assistant professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, indicates that artificial sweeteners could worsen symptoms in patients who have irritable bowel syndrome and similar digestive difficulties such as colitis and Crohn’s disease. The sweetener Splenda, which contains two substances – sucralose and maltodextrin – seems to stimulate the production of myeloperoxidase, a pro-inflammatory substance, probably as a result of increased production of E. coli bacteria.

The study was done using mice who were susceptible to bowel inflammation and mice who were not. The mice who were susceptible showed increased symptoms after ingesting the artificial sweetener. However, the mice with normal digestive systems didn’t show any symptoms.

You might ask, “How can a study done on mice affect people?” The answer is that while the intent is to discover how substances might affect humans, it’s difficult to control humans’ food intake. Lab mice, on the other hand, live in a controlled environment so it is easier to limit the variables in an experiment. While an experiment with mice is not definitive, it does give some indications of how a substance might affect mammals.

This study suggests that for individuals who already are having problems digesting artificial sweeteners in general and Splenda, in particular, might increase the incidence of symptoms. For people with normal digestive systems, even though the artificial sweetener might increase certain types of gut flora, the sweetener is unlikely to have a noticeable effect.

Two groups of mice were used in the study. The first group was ileitis-prone, while the second group was healthy. They were exposed to Splenda for six weeks. In the ileitis-prone group, it was discovered that the increased production of E. coli penetrated the ileal lamina propria. But the healthy group showed no such effects.

If you are unfamiliar with medical terminology, you might ask “What’s ileal lamina propria?”

The answer is moderately complex but significant. The ileum is the last part of the small intestine, the part that connects to the large intestine. Its interior lining is a mucous membrane consisting of four main layers: The epithelium, the lamina propria, the muscularis mucosae, and the submucosa. The small intestine is responsible for much of human digestion. If the increased production of E. coli penetrates the ileal lamina propria, it’s making its way past the first layer of the small intestine’s interior wall into the second layer.

  1. coli is a beneficial bacteria when it is contained in the intestines, but if it manages to make its way into the bloodstream, it can make you sick. The usual type of E. coli infection or problem is when it enters the human body from contaminated food. Some strains of E. coli are not beneficial to humans at all, and can cause symptoms such as diarrhea and blood in the stools.

The lamina propria is described by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as a highly vascular layer of connective tissue, in other words, it has a lot of blood vessels in it. So if the E. coli from the intestinal area enters the connective tissue that’s full of blood vessels, there is a good chance that the human or mouse in which that tissue resides is going to shortly feel rather ill.

People who have difficulty with the small and large intestine are sometimes said to have a condition called irritable bowel disease, or IBD.

The group who did the study suggested that it’s possible that the use of Splenda could increase symptoms for people who already suffer from IBD, such as patients who have Crohn’s disease. This is consistent with reports from medical practitioners that in about ten to fifteen percent of patients who have IBD, the use of artificial sweeteners makes the symptoms worse. Or, to put it another way, if you already have grumpy intestines, drinking a soda that contains Splenda has the potential to make you feel much worse.

Dr. Rodriguez-Palacios said that the next step, to help with developing conclusive evidence would be to set up a human experiment, but that such studies were more difficult than those with mice because of the lessened control over diet and environment. Furthermore, human genetics have a much wider range than that of specially bred lab mice, and this would increase the challenges to a human study. To reach solid conclusions from human studies is likely to take several years of following up with people who have IBD or who don’t have IBD.

Clinician David L. Suskind commented that the takeaway from this study was the impact of diet on internal microbiomes. One of the main points of the study was that in both ileitis-prone mice and healthy mice, there was an increase of proteobacteria, including E. coli when consuming Splenda. He went on to reiterate that it was consistent with the reports that foods with artificial sweetener sometimes worsened digestive problems, and that it could be a key to why so many more cases of IBD were being seen at the clinical level.

Suskind’s conclusion was that while healthy patients might or might not be susceptible to IBD as a result of eating or drinking foods with Splenda, it’s suggestive that food additives are poorly understood, and that sweeteners such as Splenda might be best avoided. Although no clear-cut results have been found, such additives are not dietarily essential and can easily be left out of the diet. Or, as he said, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

This is not the first time that food additives, such as Splenda, have been brought into question. Certain dyes used in food, leavening powders, and preservatives have all been under scrutiny. This all boils down to just because it tastes good, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s good for you. Even naturally occurring substances such as salt might need to be used in moderation. Furthermore, in each case, individual metabolism and accompanying diet influence the impact of food additives.

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from Gastroenterologists In Florida

GI Doctor Near Me – Find a local Gastroenterologist

GI doctor near me

Find best GI doctor near me

If you searched for GI doctor near me than you’ve came to the right place for answers to all of your questions.  Seeking the treatment services of a GI doctor near you is important as a digestive health doctor will help to diagnose and treat chronic Gastro intestinal medical complications and liver disease.

Centrally located in Southern Florida is one of the nation’s most well-known and accredited Gastroenterologists; Dr. Vikram Tarugu.  Having 25+ years of experience as a digestive health expert with over 4,000 patients treated, Dr. Tarugu is an award-winning Florida GI doctor that renders highly effective treatments and procedures for those suffering from digestive health disorders.  Tarugu’s dedication to patient care is demonstrated by the number of patients that he has successfully treated and his commitment is reflected by the numerous recognitions that he has received.

Recognitions that include the On-Time Doctor Award, the Compassionate Doctor Award, and the Patients’ Choice Award – awards that are highly sought after by medical professionals.

Benefits of Seeing a Gastroenterologist Near You

Benefits of seeing Gasroenteroligist

Benefits of seeing Gasroenteroligist

When it comes to seeing a Gastroenterologist for digestive health matters, whether it is for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), GERD/Heartburn or for a Colonoscopy, follow up appointments requiring your return to the office may be necessary.  To ensure complications or side effects don’t arise, once a procedure or treatment has been conducted, Dr. Tarugu ensures patients are properly cared for by following up with them on a later date.

Because visits to the Gastroenterologist may be frequent or required at least a couple of time, visiting a best GI doctor near you is ideal so commutes are closer.  Choosing a primary digestive health doctor that’s far-distanced can be inconveniencing and will make it harder for you to attend appointments.  Because of this, do your best to seek the treatments of a GI doctor that’s close by so you make sure attending appointments doesn’t become an issue.

Because West Palm Beach is centrally located city in South Florida, many Floridians visit the “Gastro in Florida” clinic.

I’ve been suffering from abdominal pain for around 5 years.  I endured diagnosis/treatments from two GI doctors and unfortunately, symptoms persisted.  After being referred to Dr. Tarugu from a family member of mine I decided to schedule an appointment and I’m so very happy that I did!  Come to find out, I was suffering from IBS and Dr. Tarugu worked with me to alleviate the condition and symptoms!”

Gastro in Florida – Services Provided

Unlike a majority of Gastro health clinics, the “Gastro in Florida” center is an all-inclusive facility providing a multitude of gastrointestinal health services all of which are administered in a safe and non-intrusive approach.

Some of the treatments offered and conducted by Dr. Vikram Tarugu at Gastro in Florida include:

  • GERD & Heartburn – Also known as “Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases”, GERD or Heartburn, GERD is a medical condition in which the acidic juices in the stomach return up in to the esophagus which results in esophagus lining irritation. This is a commonly treated condition by Dr. Tarugu and is typically treated rather quickly.
  • Hemorrhoids – Common in both men and women, Hemorrhoids treatment is a procedure that Dr. Vikram Tarugu has treated on well over 2,000 patients. Hemorrhoids are veins near the rectal area that become inflamed or swollen.  It can occur either in the anus or underneath the skin.  If symptoms of Hemorrhoids arise, contact Dr. Tarugu to schedule an appointment so the condition doesn’t worsen.
  • Colonoscopy – Most men choose to have a Colonoscopy at age 40/50 and is vitally important to ensuring optimal health. During a colonoscopy, Dr. Tarugu will conduct an examination of the colon, large intestine or the large bowel.  With the use of a Colonoscope (a thin, flexible, and tubular tool with a camera and light), Dr. Tarugu performs colonoscopies in a non-evasive manner to identify an abnormalities.
  • Upper Endoscopy – An Upper Endoscopy is a service provided by “Gastro in Florida” and conducted by Dr. Tarugu (a Gastroenterologist near you). To help identify the source of symptoms, nausea, abdominal pain, or vomiting; Dr. Tarugu performs under endoscopies to identify the causes of symptoms you’re experiencing so a treatment plan can be devised.
  • Laser Removals – Dr. Tarugu is well-known for his non-evasive hemorrhoid removal treatments as this procedure is conducted with the use of lasers. Laser hemorrhoid removal is a practice that not all Gastroenterologists have adopted.  As such, if you want a pain-free and non-intrusive treatment for hemorrhoid removal it’s highly suggested that you visit “Gastro in Florida” for a quick and painless procedure/recovery.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome – If you’re experiencing abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or cramping then there’s a chance that you’re suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). A medical condition treated frequently by Dr. Tarugu; IBS is a condition that effects 25-45 million people in the US with 2 out of every 3 IBS victims being female.

Is there a Gastroenterologist Near Me?  Yes there is!

Gastro in Florida

Gastro in Florida

Dr. Tarugu, a board certified and best-in-class GI doctor is highly effective at diagnosing and treating medical complications related to the gastrointestinal tract.  Through the use of cutting-edge technology and medical advancements, both Dr. Tarugu and his “Gastro in Florida” clinic has become the go-to digestive health center for thousands of south Florida residents.

Services, treatments, and reviews of Dr. Tarugu’s are second-to-none and standards in treatments are always maintained to the highest degree to ensure patients are properly treated and cared for.

With a Gastroenterologist near you there’s no reason to not join the thousands of other patients that have overcame gastrointestinal related conditions so visiting the “Gastro in Florida” center is a no-brainer choice (for those that take their health seriously).

Gastroenterologist Near Me – The Process of Receiving Treatment(s)

When it comes to receiving treatment from Dr. Tarugu at the “Gastro in Florida” center there’s a process in place to ensure medical conditions are properly diagnosed, treated, and contained.  This process as a whole is comprised of a few different parts including an interview, an assessment or testing, and then a procedural plan.

Each of these we’ll touch base on so you can familiarize yourself with the process.

(Phase 1)  The Interview – Explain your Medical History and Symptoms

During your initial visit to “Gastro in Florida”, Dr. Tarugu will sit down with you for a one-on-one interview where you’ll have the opportunity to share your past and current medical conditions/history along with any current symptoms that you’re experiencing.  During this phase of treatment, Dr. Tarugu will begin to form an understanding of your medical state and conditions.

It’s very important that you provide Dr. Tarugu with a complete overview of your medical history and feelings that you’re experiencing.  It’s a good idea to jot down some personal notes (such as when you experience pain in a particular area) so that you don’t forget to provide Dr. Tarugu with important that could help to understand your situation.

Your first visit is your chance to fully explain your circumstances, worries, and reasons for visiting and you should be as transparent as possible with Dr. Tarugu about your discomforts.

(Phase 2)  Assessment and Testing

If testing isn’t conducted the day of your first visit, Dr. Tarugu will schedule an appointment that works for your schedule for a date to return to the clinic.  During assessments, Dr. Tarugu will conduct various forms of testing to determine if abnormalities are present.

For example, during your initial visit, if you explained to Dr. Tarugu that you were experienced bloating and/or abdominal pain, part of the testing would be to determine if you’re suffering from IBS.

If you were to inform Dr. Tarugu that you’re experiencing pain, swelling, irritation, or itching from the rectal area; testing would be done to determine if you’re suffering from hemorrhoids (a regularly treated condition through the use of lasers).

Dr. Tarugu takes his time with each patient in a comfortable and relaxing environment when diagnosing symptom causes which is part of the reason he has been awarded the “Patients’ Choice Award”.

(Phase 3)  Procedural Treatments & Recovery

Once Dr. Tarugu has assessed your condition(s) and has tied your symptoms to a particular condition, a treatment plan will then be established.  Depending on what condition(s) you have will determine the route of treatment that Dr. Tarugu will choose.  Most procedures are minimally evasive and will be completed in only a single visit (with a follow up appointment to review progress and healing).

As a board certified gastroenterologist with over 4,000 successfully treated patients, individuals such as you can utilize Dr. Tarugu’s vast experience to receive effective treatments for any array of gastrointestinal disorders.

Part of receiving effective treatment means an accurate diagnosis needs to take place.  With so many years of experience in dealing with thousands of patient cases, no one can more accurately diagnose a condition better than Dr. Tarugu since his experience in the field extends back nearly 3 decades.

Gastroenterologist Near Me – When to see a GI Doctor for Digestive Health

For some, needing to see a Gastroenterologist for your health-related concerns can be worrisome for some.  After all, your health is most important and the idea that you may have a medical complication that requires the intervention of a specialist can be a bit stressful.  Your primary care physician may have noticed a gastrointestinal disorder or abnormality and may have recommended that you seek treatment from a GI doctor near you to treat the present condition(s).

In most cases, patients are referred to Dr. Tarugu by primary care physicians when special attention and treatment is required as his success for treating complications related to the gastrointestinal tract are quite great.

While you may be concerned about the need to see a GI doctor you don’t need to be worried as new and improved advancement in medicine and technology has made it possible for Dr. Tarugu to treat gastro complications in a non-intrusive and in some cases pain-free solution.  One such example is Dr. Tarugu’s laser hemorrhoid removal treatment.

Some of the most obvious signs that should prompt you to see Dr. Tarugu is if you’re experiencing abdominal pain, bloating, cramps, excessive diarrhea, or itching/irritation from the rectal area.  As these are all signs of possible serious gastro conditions, if you experience such symptoms you should contact Dr. Tarugu right away to schedule an appointment.

Tips for Choosing a GI Doctor Near You

Before choosing a Gastroenterologist there are a couple of things that you want to consider aside from your primary care physician’s referral recommendation.  Putting your health in to the hands of a doctor is a serious decision and is one that you should not make rationally.  To help you choose a local GI doctor that will be able to render affective treatments, we recommend that you:

Check reviews that the Gastroenterologist has received

There are many only review sites (such as “RateMD) that allow you to check doctor reviews that have been left by patients.  By simply searching for the gastroenterologist’s name you’ll be able to see what other patients are saying about the doctor.  When reading reviews, notate what others are saying about the doctor’s treatments, location environment, and the friendliness and time spent with the doctor.

These are all good indicators that demonstrate the doctor’s helpfulness, willingness, and success at treating various gastrointestinal disorders.

Dr. Tarugu for example has a 4.6/5 rating on Healthgrades and a 5/5 rating with the WebMD Physician Directory.  Furthermore, his “Gastro in Florida” center has received a 5/5 rating (rated by patients) which is quite a notable accomplishment.

Check the experience of the Gastroenterologist

It cannot be stressed enough the importance of evaluating and reviewing the experience of the gastroenterologist you’re considering as your GI doctor before committing.  Experience translates to better treatment outcomes and an improved overall patient experience.

Due to this, it’s highly recommended that while you’re checking reviews of a “gastroenterologist near me” that you also check the experience backing the GI doctor.  For example, check the education of the doctor, the number of years they’ve been in practice, and the number of patients that they’ve treated.

Doing such research will ensure that you receive treatment from a qualified and experienced doctor that will be able to accurately diagnose and treat any present condition.

Dr. Tarugu is a 25-year GI doctor with extensive education, in-the-field experience, and 4,000+ treated patients. 

Dr. Vikram Tarugu provides treatments for various gastrointestinal complications including:

  • Abdominal Hernia
  • Acid Reflux
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Acute Renal Failure
  • Anal Fissure
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Barrett’s Esophagus
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Bleeding in Digestive Tract
  • Chronic Renal Disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Colitis
  • Collagenous Colitis
  • Lymphocytic Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Hemorrhoid

Gastro in Florida Location and Contact

Dr. Vikram Tarugu Gastro Center

Dr. Vikram Tarugu Gastro Center

If you’re ready to take the first step to treating and resolving any gastro health concerns of yours than it’s time to schedule an appointment with Florida’s leading gastro health and treatment facility.  Contact Dr. Tarugu today for an experience not found at other treatment centers where you’ll receive top-notch treatments from a medical professional that cares.

Address: 201 SW 16th St, Okeechobee, FL 34974

Phone: (863) 824-3447

The post GI Doctor Near Me – Find a local Gastroenterologist appeared first on Gastroenterologists In Florida.

from Gastroenterologists In Florida

Best GI Doctor in Florida for 2018

Best GI Doctors in Florida

If you’re looking for the best GI doctor in Florida than welcome to our guide where you’ll receive all-inclusive information that will provide all of the information you need.  In this write-up, we’ll be providing our top-picks for the best gastroenterologist in Florida in addition to information that will help you learn how to choose the right GI doctor for your condition(s).

For the purpose of helping you choose among the most experienced and highly qualified GI doctors in Florida, we’ve reviewed the top 15 gastroenterologists within the Florida region so you can conveniently choose among the best; all from one convenient guide.

So, what’s a Gastroenterologist?

To start, let’s delve in to what exactly a gastroenterologist is and what exactly they provide to patients.

Gastroenterologists are medical professionals that perform endoscopic procedures on patients in which they utilize specially made equipment to not only view but diagnose possible conditions or medical complications located within the GI tract.  While GI doctors do no perform surgeries they may however, in some cases, work alongside a medical professional known as a “GI surgeon” although this isn’t all that common.

Primarily, gastroenterologists are stationed in either individualized clinics (private practice) or in a hospital environment (where GI doctors are more likely to work alongside a surgeon if their presence is required).

The gastrointestinal system is responsible for:

  • The digesting of foods
  • Absorbing vital nutrients that your body needs to survive
  • The removal of bodily waste and toxins

Any internal body part(s) or organs that are related to any of these processes is treatable by a gastroenterologists as they’re trained medical professionals that have received specialized and certified training in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions or complications related to the gastrointestinal tract.

Surprisingly, the mouth is considered to be a part of the GI tract oddly enough although a majority of gastroenterologists do not treat this area.  Rather, a majority of individuals seek a dentist or are referred to the dentist by either their GI doctor or family practitioner.

There are many parts of the body that are a part of the GI system.  Such bodily parts include the:

  • Pharynx
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Large Intestine
  • Liver
  • Gallbladder
  • Pancreas
  • Salivary Glands
  • Tongue
  • Epiglottis
  • Rectum
  • Anus

Our Top Picks for the best Gastroenterologists in Florida for 2018

Dr. Vikram Tarugu

Dr. Vikram Tarugu - Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Vikram Tarugu – Best Florida GI Specialist

When it comes to your gastrointestinal health, choosing an established, reputable and affective GI doctor in Florida is the pivotal point between you receiving or not receiving the individualized and affective treatment that your gastrointestinal health requires.  Being first on our list is Dr. Vikram Tarugu, a Florida-based award winning medical professional with over 4,000 successfully treated patients throughout his career as a GI doctor which began over 20 years ago.

Dr. Tarugu is focused on providing top-notch procedural treatments to patients suffering from digestive health complications and accomplishes this thru the use of cutting-edge medical technology which he’s equipped with to provide patients with the best chances of recovery.

Because of his proficiency and contributions to the medical community; Dr. Tarugu has been awarded with multiple awards including the “Compassionate Doctor Award”, the “On-Time Doctor Award”, and the “Patients’ Choice Award” (a highly sought after reward that requires near-perfect scores provided by patients).

Because of such experience and recognitions he’s considered to be the best GI doctor in Florida and provides his gastro services from his privately owned clinic located in South Florida.

As an advanced digestive health expert, Dr. Tarugu provides treatments for “all” complications related to the digestive system and provides innovate, non-evasive treatment options (such as his laser hemorrhoid removal procedure).

Dr. Vikram Tarugu provides treatments for various gastrointestinal complications including:

  • Abdominal Hernia
  • Acid Reflux
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Acute Renal Failure
  • Anal Fissure
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Barrett’s Esophagus
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Bleeding in Digestive Tract
  • Chronic Renal Disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Colitis
  • Collagenous Colitis
  • Lymphocytic Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Hemorrhoids

Because of his expertise and ability to accurately diagnose/treat conditions he’s a nationally recognized digestive health expert with both local and international patients with some even travelling from abroad to take advantage of his treatment success.

With over 2,000 successfully performed surgeries across his 4,000+ treated patients it’s no wonder why patients flock to Dr. Tarugu and his treatment facility as “treatment success” is the “top priority”.

Address: 201 SW 16th St, Okeechobee, FL 34974

Phone: (863) 824-3447

Dr. Mazen Albeldawi

Dr. Mazen Albeldawi

Dr. Mazen Albeldawi – Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Mazen Albeldawi is a top-rated, Florida-based gastroenterologist practicing in Naples, Florida.  With a hard-earned medical degree issued from the “Ross University School of Medicine” and 10 years of practice in the field, he’s earned his spot among the best gastroenterologists in Florida due to his experience, treatment success rate, and great reputation in the medical community.

Dr. Mazen Albeldawi provides GI treatments for conditions that include:

  • GERD
  • Pylori
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Incontinence Fecal
  • Indigestion
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Pancreatic Disease
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease

Just to name a few of the many conditions that Dr. Mazen Albeldawi provides treatment for.

To strengthen his experience, expertise and relationships with others he’s also partnered with the “NCH Downtown Naples” hospital where he renders his gastroenterology treatment services.  Furthermore, he’s also one of only 20 GI doctors that are in partnership with this hospital and has achieved a 5-star rating on “RateMD” (an online resource for patients to give ratings to medical professionals).

Address: 1285 Creekside Blvd E. Suite 102 Naples, FL 34109

Phone: (239) 624-8070

Dr. Jerry Martel

Dr. Jerry Martel - Best GI Specialist of Florida

Dr. Jerry Martel – Best GI Specialist of Florida

Dr. Jerry Martel made it in to our “Top Gastroenterologists in Florida” list as he’s one of the top-rated GI doctors in the south Florida Miami district.  With graduating from medical school in 2003 and having partnerships with multiple hospitals such as the “Baptist Hospital of Miami”, Dr. Jerry Martel has revived the Miami medical community thru the use of innovative treatment approaches that are evidence-based and proven to “work”.

With more than 15 years in the field of being a gastroenterologist, Dr. Martel has fostered incredible relationships with patients and has formed amazing partnerships with doctors, local specialists and a few medical groups (one of which being the “Gastro Health LLC” medical group).

Dr. Jerry Martel provides GI treatments for conditions that include:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Acid Reflux
  • Anal Abscess
  • Anal Fissures
  • Anemia
  • Blood Disorders
  • Celiac Sprue
  • Cirrhosis
  • Colon Fistulas
  • Colorectal (Colon Cancer)

Just to name a few of the 50+ conditions that Dr. Jerry Martel provides treatment for.

If you’re located in Miami or the South Florida region and are seeking medical intervention from a specialist (gastroenterologist), then contact Dr. Jerry Martel to schedule an interview for superior support and treatment.

Dr. Jerry Martel’s office hours are 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday (closed on the weekends).

Address: 8200 SW. 117th Ave Suite 110 Miami, Florida 33183-4824

Phone: (305) 274-5500

Dr. Hillel D. Cohen

Dr. Hillel D. Cohen

Dr. Hillel D. Cohen – Best GI Florida Specialist

Dr. Hillel D. Cohen is a proficient gastroenterologist serving patients in the south Florida area.  Serving as a GI doctor/specialist since 2009, Dr. Hillel D. Cohen is licensed and board-certified in both internal medicine and gastroenterology.

Dr. Hillel D. Cohen earned and obtained his medical degree from the prestigious “Wood Johnson Medical School” where he received not only his residency but his community fellowship as well.  Prior to relocating and providing gastroenterology treatment(s) in Florida he was practicing in a privately owned clinic located in New Jersey.

He’s a proactive medical professional with multiple clinical research studies completed with various publications with conclusions on his research.  His most noteworthy write-ups included coverage on topics on “inflammatory bowel disease”, “Chron’s diseases”, and GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux).

In an effort for his knowledge to be shared such publications were made to help educate others on various conditions.

Aside from performing the typical endoscopic procedures provided by all gastroenterologists Dr. Hillel D. Cohen provides treatment for any and all kinds of medical complications and conditions including:

  • Colonoscopy
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Upper Endoscopy
  • Capsule Endoscopy

He’s had an incredible success rate at the removal or hemorrhoids thru the use of non-surgical procedures.  He’s become quite proficient at the techniques of gastroenterology treatment and aims to provide treatments that are free of complications and pain.

He’s frequently relied upon for treatment from patients for the treatment of colon cancer (and prevention treatment), reflux diseases, Barrett’s esophagus, celiac diseases, diarrhea, constipation, ulcerative colitis and disease of the liver.

He’s a proactive member of the clinical staff at the Boca Raton Regional Hospital and at the Delray Medical Center.  Furthermore, he’s also an astounding member of the “Alpha Omega Alpha” group which is the “honors society” for medical doctors.

If you’re located in the Boca Raton/Delray area and want top-notch treatment from an understanding, compassionate and knowledgeable doctor then contact Dr. Hillel D. Cohen today!

Address: 7270 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33437

Phone: 561-487-411

Dr. Alison J. Schneider

Dr. Alison J. Schneider

Dr. Alison J. Schneider – Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Alison J. Schneider is a top-rated, 4.8-star gastroenterologist (source: WebMD) serving patients at the Cleveland Clinic located which is locating in Weston, FL.  Serving as a board certified GI doctor/specialist since 2001; Dr. Alison J. Schneider is licensed in both internal medicine and gastroenterology and provides individualized gastroenterology treatments to her patients.

Dr. Alison J. Schneider earned her degree from both the “University of Miami” and the “Miller School of Medicine” and graduated in 2001 where she received her residency in addition to completing the “GI fellowship”.  Dr. Alison J. Schneider is a Florida native and serves patients at the Cleveland Clinic; a highly respected medical treatment facility.

She’s very proactive within the medical group and the local community and provides an array of specialized treatments including:

  • Argon Plasma Coagulation (APC)
  • Cancer Screening
  • Colonoscopy
  • Egd
  • Endoscopic Dilation
  • Endoscopy
  • Esophageal Dilation
  • Esophageal Motility Testing
  • Hydrogen Breath Test
  • Motility Catheter Placement

Dr. Alison J. Schneider also provides treatments for 27 different diseases and conditions some of which include Achalasia, Anemia, Ascites, Autoimmune Chronic Hepatitis, Barrett’s Esophagus Bowel , Incontinence, Celiac Disease (Celiac Sprue), Collagenous Colitis, Colon Polyps, and Colorectal Cancer.

She’s had an incredible success rate when it comes to patient’s satisfaction, treatment and recovery and in many cases can provide affective treatment(s) to patients that will be non-surgical.

Thru her years of extensive medical training and in-the-field experience, Dr. Alison J. Schneider is a GI doctor that has the needed experience to treat “any and all” gastrointestinal complications.

Dr. Schneider is commonly visited by patients for the treatment of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), colon cancer prevention, reflux diseases, Barrett’s esophagus, celiac diseases, diarrhea, constipation, ulcerative colitis and liver disease.

If you’re located within the Ft. Lauderdale area and affective treatment from an understanding, compassionate and knowledgeable GI doctor then contact Dr. Alison J. Schneider for your medical treatment needs!

Address: 2950 Cleveland Clinic Blvd Weston, FL 33331

Phone: (954) 659-5646

Dr. Henry Levine

Dr. Henry Levine - Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Henry Levine – Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Henry Levine is one of central Florida’s most respected gastroenterologists providing high-qualty gastro treatments at the “Center for Digestive Health” which is situated in Orlando, FL.  Serving as a board certified GI doctor/specialist for 42 years; Dr. Henry Levine is licensed in both internal medicine and gastroenterology accepts insurance as coverage from over 15 insurance companies.

Dr. Henry Levine attained his degree from the “Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine” and graduated in 1976 where he received both his residency and fellowship”.  Dr. Henry Levine is a native to the central Florida area and serves patients at the “Center for Digestive Health” and Central Florida Hospital (his partnerships).

He’s a proficient/ understanding GI doctor and provides an array of specialized treatments including:

  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Celiac Disease
  • Cholelethiasis or Cholecystitis
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Constipation
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Intussusception
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Malignant Neoplasm of Colon
  • Malignant Neoplasm of Esophagus
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Rectal, Abdomen, Small Intestines, or Colon Cancer

Dr. Henry Levine has perfected his treatment approaches and regularly works with patients to tackle medical conditions that include Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), and Pancreatic Cancer also.

When it comes to assessing a patient’s condition and knowing what treatment option(s) would be most affective no one can formulate a better treatment plan better than Dr. Levine!

Thru extensive hands-on medical training and years of treatment experience, Dr. Henry Levine is a GI doctor that’s often time relied upon by the local Orlando community for the treatment of complications related to the gastrointestinal system.

The most frequents treatments that Dr. Levin administers are treatments for GERD, Pancreatic Canceralso, and IBD.

If you’re located within the Orlando region and are seeking a gastroenterologist that not only has exceptional experience but accepts multiple insurance companies then contact Dr. Henry Levine today.

Address: 1817 N Mills Ave Orlando, FL 32803

Phone: (407)-896-1726

Dr. William Ruderman

Dr. William Ruderman -Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. William Ruderman -Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. William Ruderman one of Florida’s top-rated gastroenterologist and provides gastroenterology treatments in Orlando, Florida.  Serving the local Orlando community as a GI doctor/specialist since 1995, Dr. William Ruderman is licensed and board-certified in both internal medicine and gastroenterology which was obtained from “Columbia University”.

Dr. William Ruderman earned and obtained his medical degree from the “Internal Medicine at Emory University” school where he completed a 3-year residency.

Upon his completion of his fellowship in Gastroenterology (in Colorado) he became a member of the “Cleveland Clinic” in Ohio.

In 1998, Dr. William Ruderman earned the title as “Chairman” of the “Investigational Review Board” which is located in Ft. Lauderdale which was accomplished thru his extensive training, effective treatments and passion for gastroenterology care.

He’s a diligent and hardworking Gastroenterologist now serving patients at his privately owned, Orlando-based clinic: the “Center for Digestive Health”.

Dr. William Ruderman provides many Gastro treatments including:

  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Celiac Disease
  • Cholelethiasis or Cholecystitis
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Constipation
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Intussusception
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Malignant Neoplasm of Colon
  • Malignant Neoplasm of Esophagus
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Rectal, Abdomen, Small Intestines, or Colon Cancer

Dr. William Ruderman is also well-known for his use of non-surgical treatment approaches that ultimately make the treatment and recovery process as painless as possible for patients (one of the main reasons he’s been nominated for this list).  Dr. Ruderman has innovated the treatment techniques that are administered and prioritizes treatments that are free of side effects, complications, and pain.

He’s frequently relied upon for treatment from patients that are suffering from colon cancer and IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease).

He’s an active and starred medical professional of the clinical staff at the “Center for Digestive Health” which is located in central Florida.

If you’re located in the Orlando area and have been looking for a gastroenterologist that will take the time to understand your condition and treatment needs then consider choosing Dr. William Ruderman!

Address: 1817 N. Mills Ave Orlando, FL 32803

Phone: (407)-896-1726

Dr. Moshe Hirth

Dr. Moshe Hirth - Best GI Florida Specialist

Dr. Moshe Hirth – Best GI Florida Specialist

When it comes to choosing the best Gastroenterologist in Florida there are many components that are taken in to consideration some of which consider the length of time the Gastroenterologist has been providing treatments and also the GI doctor’s success rate at treating various conditions.

With that said, next on our list is Dr. Moshe Hirth; a 21-year proficient Gastroenterologist providing treatments in Delray Beach, Florida that has established an affiliation and relationship with multiple hospitals within the area.

These award-winning hospitals that Dr. Moshe Hirth has partnered with include the “Boca Raton Regional Hospital” and the “Delray Medical Center”.

With having obtained his medical degree from the prestigious “New York Medical College” in addition to his 20+ years of in-field experience; Dr. Moshe Hirth has become one of Florida’s best go-to gastroenterologists for affective, individualized and specialized forms of treatments for any gastrointestinal related complications.

With multiple insurance companies accepted, many local and international individuals visit Dr. Hirth for the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions including:

  • Acid Reflux
  • Digestive Disease
  • Diverticular Disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Dyspepsia
  • Dysphagia
  • Gallbladder Disease
  • Gastritis
  • GERD
  • Pylori
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Incontinence Fecal
  • Indigestion
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Liver Disease

Furthermore, Dr. Hirth, thru his years of experience, has learned how to affectively provide treatment solutions for an array of medical conditions that don’t involve the use evasive surgery practices.  Rather, he makes use of many non-surgical treatment options which results in a treatment and recovery process for patients that is as pain-free as possible.

Address: 200 W Atlantic Ave Suite 100 Delray Beach, FL 33484

Phone: (561) 638-9533

Dr. John C. Southerland

Dr. John C. Southerland - Best GI Florida Specialist

Dr. John C. Southerland – Best GI Florida Specialist

Dr. John C. Southerland is a digestive health expert and proudly serves as a Gastroenterologist in Sarasota, Florida.  What determines how affective a GI doctor is largely in-part determined by the amount of education and training that the doctor receives and Dr. John C. Southerland has no shortage of experience!

With having earned a spot on the “Top 10 Physician Role Model of Year” list: Dr. Southerland has obtained multiple certifications during the birth of his career as one of the best Gastroenterologists in Florida with receiving an “American Board of Internal Medicine” certification from 1999-2009, an “ABIM-Subspecialty Board Examination” certification from 2002-2012 and the ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) certification as well.

Florida Digestive Health Specialists

Florida Digestive Health Specialists

As such, throughout his years, he has served thousands of local and international clients thru the use of cutting-edge medical technology that equips him with the essential tools needed to execute affective treatments.

Dr. John C. Southerland is a digestive health expert and proudly serves as a Gastroenterologist in Sarasota, Florida.  What determines how affective a GI doctor is largely in-part determined by the amount of education and training that the doctor receives and Dr. John C. Southerland has no shortage of experience!

Services and treatments provided by Dr. Southerland include:

  • Comprehensive care of gastrointestinal and liver diseases
  • Colonoscopy / Colon cancer screening
  • Colon polypectomy
  • Upper endoscopy
  • Video capsule endoscopy
  • ERCP
  • Esophageal dilation
  • Enteral stent placement
  • Esophageal manometry
  • Radiofrequency ablation of barrett’s esophagus
  • Ano-rectal manometry
  • Band ligation of esophageal varices
  • Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding tube placement
  • 48-hour esophageal pH monitoring

With having earned a spot on the “Top 10 Physician Role Model of Year” list: Dr. Southerland has obtained multiple certifications during the birth of his career as one of the best Gastroenterologists in Florida with receiving an “American Board of Internal Medicine” certification from 1999-2009, an “ABIM-Subspecialty Board Examination” certification from 2002-2012 and the ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) certification as well.

As such, throughout his years, he has served thousands of local and international clients thru the use of cutting-edge medical technology which equips him with the essential tools needed to fulfill affective treatments.

Dr. Southerland renders treatment for a variety of digestive health complications at his privately owned clinic in Sarasota where patients enjoy a comfortable and peaceful environment.  Dr. Southerland understands the individualized needs of his patients and will sit down for a one-on-one consultation so he has an understanding of the patient’s needs, discomforts, pains and symptoms.

If you suspect that you’re having digestive health related issues and want to seek counsel, intervention and treatment from a board certified and experienced GI doctor, then contact Dr. John C. Southerland.

Address: 1801 Arlington Street, Suite 101 Sarasota, FL 34239

Phone: (941)894-3490

Dr. David Hellman

Dr. David Hellman - Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. David Hellman – Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. David Hellman is a digestive health specialist and has been practicing in the field of gastroenterology since 2003.  Initially providing gastrointestinal from his privately owned clinic he has since been adopted by the “Borland Groover Clinic” who recognized his tremendous success and contributions to the medical community.

Dr. David Hellman has attained certifications from the “American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine” in 2005 and the “American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine” in 2003.  He attained is professional education from the well-known “Tulane University” and achieved the “Bachelor of Science” degree in biology.  Upon completion of his education he attended the residency program offered at the “University of Florida”.

He’s one of the best GI doctors in Florida due to his incredible passion, treatment effectiveness and experience which is apparent due to his position as the “Chairman” of the “Endoscopy Department” at the Bethesda Hospital in Boynton Beach.

He’s also an active and contributing member of the “Nova Southeastern University” medical staff.

He’s been a part of many clinical associations including the American College of Gastroenterology, American Society for Gastroenterology Endoscopy, American College of Osteopathic Internists, American Osteopathic Association, Palm Beach Medical Society, and the National Eagle Scout Association.

Dr. David Hellman is passionate about gastro health care and provides treatments for many gastrointestinal medical conditions including:

  • Abdominal Hernia
  • Acid Reflux
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Acute Renal Failure
  • Anal Fissure
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Barrett’s Esophagus
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Bleeding in Digestive Tract
  • Chronic Renal Disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Colitis
  • Collagenous Colitis
  • Lymphocytic Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Hemorrhoids

Aspiring to provide patients with top-notch care that has proven time and time again to be affective in the past is the foundational focus of the care administered by Dr. David Hellman and any individuals who are experiencing symptoms of what could be a gastrointestinal complication are highly recommended to contact the best gastroenterologist in Florida: Dr. David Hellman!

Address: 10151 Enterprise Center Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33437

Phone: (561) 733-0379

Dr. Katherine Kosche

Dr. Katherine Kosche - Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Katherine Kosche – Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Katherine Kosche is a top-rated gastroenterologist originating from Chicago that now resides and treats patients in Pembroke Pines, FL. serving patients at the Cleveland Clinic located which is locating in Weston, FL.

Serving as a board certified GI doctor/specialist for over 15 years; Dr. Alison J. Schneider is licensed in both internal medicine and gastroenterology and provides individualized gastroenterology treatments to her patients.

Dr. Katherine Kosche earned her degree from both “University of Illinois” and “Columbia University” and graduated in 1989 where she received (after completing her residency).

Dr. Katherine Kosche is now a proud Florida native and promotes gastro health treatments from her privately owned practice named the “Center for Gastroenterology”; a local and successful facility that aids patients to overcome digestive health complications thru strategically designed treatment plans (administered by Dr. Kosche).

Dr. Katherine Kosche and her gastro treatment center are considered to be one of the best in Florida as her practice provider an entourage of treatments/services for an all digestive diseases which include colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, GERD, ulcers, and Crohn’s diseases.

To provide patients with the upmost care and affective treatments, she’s regularly participating in clinical trials and is a proud member of the “Broward Research Group”.  During her clinical trials she challenges the limits of treatment opportunities and works diligently to formulate new and affective treatments for gastrointestinal diseases/conditions.

She’s very proactive within the research group and during clinical trials works to create better treatment for conditions such as:

  • Abdominal Hernia
  • Acid Reflux
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Acute Renal Failure
  • Anal Fissure
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Barrett’s Esophagus
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Bleeding in Digestive Tract
  • Chronic Renal Disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Colitis
  • Collagenous Colitis
  • Lymphocytic Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

With practicing as a gastroenterologist since 1996, Dr. Katherine Kosche understands the treatment needs of patients and has the track record to prove why she’s among the best gastroenterologists in Florida.  Her success as a GI doctor and the success that her treatments have provided are signals of why she’s a starred member of the “Memorial Healthcare System” and why she’s the preferred GI doctor to conduct procedures at the” Weston Outpatient Surgical Center”.

With years of experience, many successfully conducted clinical trials and thousands of treated patients; Dr. Katherine Kosche is definitely the gastroenterologist to see for Pembroke Pine residents that want to put their gastrointestinal health in the hands of someone who can make a difference.

Address: 12251 Taft Street Suite 401 Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

Phone: (954) 433-5900

Dr. Louis Aviles

Dr. Louis Aviles - Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Louis Aviles – Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Louis Aviles is one of Florida’s most awarded and experienced GI doctors having gained an extensive education from the “Herbert G. Lehman College” in New York (his native state).  With a hard-earned degree from the “Harvard Medical School” Dr. Louis Aviles now focuses on providing gastrointestinal healthcare from his privately owned treatment facility located in Clearwater, FL.

Upon completion of his Harvard-issued medical degree, he returned to New York to obtain his residency training which took place at the “Montefiore Medical Center” while he completed his gastroenterology fellowship training at the “Bronx V.A./Mount Sinai” center.

Because of his educational credentials from such prestigious educational institutions he’s been named on our list of the best GI doctors in Florida as he has had incredible success at utilizing his training to provide patients with affective treatments for various gastrointestinal complications including:

  • Abdominal Hernia
  • Acid Reflux
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Acute Renal Failure
  • Anal Fissure
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Barrett’s Esophagus
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Bleeding in Digestive Tract
  • Chronic Renal Disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Colitis
  • Collagenous Colitis
  • Lymphocytic Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Hemorrhoid

Dr. Louis Aviles is passionate about the gastrointestinal healthcare field and believes that his treatments should be available to all patients which is why he accepts insurance from an array of various coverage providers including Aetna Choice POS II, Aetna HMO, AvMed Health, Open Access, BCBS Blue Card PPO, BCBS Florida NetworkBlue, and BCBS Florida Preferred Patient Care PPO (just some of the 21 insurance companies in total that he accepts).

Dr. Louis Aviles has had massive success when it comes to the satisfaction, treatment and recovery of his patients and achieves this thru his innovative, forward-thinking treatment approaches (such as his non-surgical hemorrhoid removal treatment).

Thru Dr. Avile’s years of extensive medical training from some of the most prestigious medical schools in the country, Dr. Louis Aviles has become the go-to Florida GI doctor that has the essential treatment knowledge needed to treat any gastrointestinal complications.

While Dr. Avile treats “any and all” complications related to the digestive system, a majority of patients visit his treatment center to receive treatment for IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), colon cancer prevention services, reflux diseases, Barrett’s esophagus, and liver related complications.

Address: 1007 Jeffords St Suite 102 Clearwater, FL 33756

Phone: (727) 447-9000

Dr. Andrew Sable

Dr. Andrew Sable - Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Andrew Sable – Best Florida GI Specialist

Dr. Andrew I. Sable is a 5-star rated gastroenterologist on WebMD and currently provides treatment to patients at the “Baptist Hospital of Miami” and the “South Miami Hospital” with superior gastrointestinal health diagnosis and services.  Serving as a board certified GI doctor/specialist since 1998; Andrew I. Sable is licensed not only in internal medicine but gastroenterology as well and provides specialized forms of gastroenterology treatments to his patients.

Over the years Dr. Andrew I. Sable has continually strived to improve his treatment approaches and has been affective at utilizing his extensive training experience to administer treatment for various medical conditions that include Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), and even Pancreatic Cancer.

Dr. Andrew I. Sable prides himself and his clinic in offering gastrointestinal health treatments in an environment that not all clinics offer.  With a comfortable, peaceful, and relaxing atmosphere patients will feel as if they’re at home and will enjoy the friend and understanding personality that Dr. Andrew I. Sable extends to all patients.

As provided on Dr. Sable’s site, the conditions in which he treats include:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Anemia
  • Barrett Esophagus
  • Celiac Sprue
  • Colitis
  • Colorectal ( Colon Cancer )
  • Constipation
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diarrhea
  • Digestive Disease
  • Diverticular Disease
  • Dyspepsia
  • Dysphagia
  • GERD
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Liver Disease
  • Pancreatic Disease
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Radiation Proctitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis

What makes a GI doctor the best in Florida is their experience, training in the field, and their patient support and recovery success and Dr. Andrew I. Sable has bee, able to accomplish all of these component that make-up a great medical professional.

Whenever it comes to assessing a patient’s condition; it’d be hard-pressed to find another that doctor can diagnose conditions as accurately as Dr. Andrew I. Sable as he’s very received specialized training to learn the various symptoms and signs of gastrointestinal medical complications.

Regardless of what symptoms or gastro issues you may have Dr. Sable will have a solution as he provides many treatments to his patients including Capsule Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, ERCP, Esophageal Ablation, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy, Hemorrhoid Banding (CRH), Manometry – 48 Hour pH, Peg Placement and Upper Endoscopies.

Address: 9555 N. Kendall Drive, Suite 100 Miami, FL 33176

Phone: 305-273-7319

How to Choose the Best Gastroenterologist

Your primary care doctor may recommend a visit to a gastroenterologist if you are persistently bothered by digestive health issues. A gastroenterologist or a gastrointestinal doctor (GI) specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the gallbladder, bile ducts, stomach, esophagus, small intestines and colon.

Some gastroenterologists focus primarily on motility disorders which deal with the movement of food, liquid and waste through the digestive system.

When it’s time to see a gastroenterologist you may have a feeling of distress but you should never panic because, with the right doctor, you will be assured that proper treatment is received. Below are a few tips to help you choose the best GI doctor in Florida for your gastrointestinal issues:

Ask for referrals from your primary care doctor

Since the recommendation to see a gastroenterologist will come from your primary care doctor, they make one of the best resources in helping you choose a good one. You can also get referrals from family members, friends and other healthcare providers. Don’t just go with the first recommendation you get, but make a list which you will vet further before you make your final choice.

Review the Doctor’s Credentials

With the list you obtained above, the next process is to dig for valuable information on the doctor’s profile with regards to their education and training. With the current digital age, most doctors will avail their credentials online, detailing their qualifications, awards, professional interests and any other information that a potential patient may need before visiting. For instance, if you needed a GI who specializes in motility studies, you could easily see this from their credentials which you can then use to narrow down your list.

Assessing the Florida GI Doctors Experience

The gastroenterologist’s experience is essential because the more experience they have the greater the chances of receiving better results. Of great concern to you should be the number of patients with your condition they have treated in the past or if a specific procedure is needed, then how many have they performed in the past and what was the complication rates. While looking into the complication rates, you should also discuss both the complications the doctor has encountered while handling similar cases to yours as well as your risks of complications.

For example, Dr. Tarugu has performed over 2,000 surgeries across a patient base of 4,000 individuals since the birth of his GI career and his success is quite impressive.  Visiting such a digestive health expert will help to ensure you receive adequate and successful treatment.

Review the GI Doctors Clinic

The doctor’s treatment facility will be your go-to center, and due to this, it is imperative to look into the quality of care provided by that facility. Quality matters because patients at top-rated facilities usually experience fewer complications and they have better treatment-success rates. It is such a place where you want to be treated, especially if your condition involves a surgical procedure, where high-quality, post-surgery care may be needed.

Understand the Doctor’s Communication

It is vital to get treatment from a gastroenterologist with whom you are comfortable receiving treatment from. During your first appointment, be sure to ask questions and notate any of their responses. The ideal doctor should be open to your questions and respond in a simple but clear manner that will ensure you understand the answer. You should not feel rushed or engaged, and they should demonstrate they are interested in knowing you more and helping you consider every treatment plan available for your condition.

Dr. Tarugu as an example sits down with patients for a one-on-one interview to fully assess and understand their condition(s), discomforts and symptoms (which will help him to determine the course of action for diagnosis and treatment).

What Insurance is accepted?

Finally, check your insurance coverage for the specific details. To get the maximum benefits from the cover, you should pay the least out-of-pocket for your treatment, and it is recommended that you choose a gastroenterologist who participates in your health insurance plan. Just call the doctor’s office to find out if they accept your insurance coverage.

Gastroenterologists who really want their treatments to be available to all patients usually accept insurance from most providers.

GI doctors such as Dr. Vikram Tarugu accepts insurance from 26 different insurance companies some of which include Humana Medicaid, Medicare, Medicaid, and Cigna HMO (just to name a few).

The post Best GI Doctor in Florida for 2018 appeared first on Gastroenterologists In Florida.

from Gastroenterologists In Florida

Best GI Doctors in the US

If you’re ready to learn about the best Gatroenterologists within the US that provide that most effective treatments then you’re reading the right guide. We have compiled this short but precise guide to give you comprehensive information about the top GI specialists you can trust with your gastrointestinal issues.

We have gone through great lengths to find specific information about them to feature their profiles, education, experience and most importantly, their areas of expertise to make it easy for you to choose the most appropriate doctor for your treatment. What we have for you is a one-stop-guide for the best GI doctors in the country.

So, who is a Gastroenterologist Doctor?

A gastroenterologist is a physician whose expertise is in treating and managing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The gastrointestinal tract includes the esophagus, colon and rectum, small intestines, bile ducts, pancreas, stomach, tongue, salivary glands, pharynx and anus. It is interesting to note that the mouth is not a part of the GI tract, and as such, it doesn’t fall within the domain of GI doctors.

Dentists or general practitioners typically handle the majority of medical problems involving the mouth.

The work of a GI doctor involves performing endoscopic procedures using specialized instruments to view, diagnose and treat any complications in the GI tract. Though they are not surgeons per se, they may sometimes work in close collaboration with a surgeon if and when they are required to be around during a surgical procedure.

The responsibility of the gastrointestinal system includes:

  • The movement of food and water through the stomach and the intestines
  • The digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body
  • The removal of wastes from the digestive system
  • Functions of the liver as part of the digestive system

Any medical problems touching on any of the above processes fall within the domain of a gastroenterologist as they are the medical professionals trained and certified to handle such and other related issues.

Our Top Choices for the Best Gastroenterologists in the US for 2018

Dr. Paul S Lee

Sometimes people don’t choose their professions, but more accurately, their profession chooses them. This is the case of Dr. Paul S Lee, a decorated gastroenterologist, currently residing and working in Irvin, Huntington Beach in California.

How he found himself in the profession is very touching, and perhaps, one of the sources of the passion and determination that catapulted him to the top of his league as one of the forces to reckon with in gastroenterology in the country.

Dr. Paul S Lee grew up with a close family member who suffered from Crohn’s disease, and during that time, there were very few options for treating this chronic disease. This sparked a passion in him to know more about the illness, which eventually landed him at George Washington University where he studied medicine.

Dr. Paul is not just a veteran gastroenterologist, but also a renowned scholar and an active community participant. He is the founder of Digestive Disease Consultants of Orange County, and with his broad background in health food and nutrition, he is able to present broader perspectives when bringing relief to patients suffering from various GI complications.

Being a top GI doctor in the country, Dr. Paul Lee treats a myriad of gastrointestinal complications such as:

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Indigestion
  • Liver Disease
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Constipation
  • Diverticulitis
  • Chronic Renal Disease
  • Lymphocytic Colitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Esophagitis

Due to his contribution and proficiency in this particular field of medicine, Dr. Paul has been the recipient of several prestigious awards including the “Orange County Medical Association Award” and the coveted” Physician of Excellence Award” – a distinction reserved for the very best in the field.

Address: 113 Waterworks Way Ste 155, Irvine, CA 92618

Phone: (949) 612 – 9090

Dr. Marc Magod

Dr. Marc Magod is the second gastroenterologist who features prominently in our list of the best GI doctors in the US due to his skills, experience and expertise in this field. You will agree that it takes tremendous dedication to practice your craft for more than three decades and this is the story of Dr. Magod, who has been practicing since graduating from Emory University School of Medicine in 1986.

His dedication to the practice has seen him get affiliated to respectable boards and also made him the recipient of various certifications and licensures. For instance, he is certified in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine, and he also has an Active NC State Medical License holder.

The care with which Dr. Magod handles his patients has earned him a lot of respect and admiration not just from those whom he interacts with within the country, but also among foreign patients who fly in from other countries to seek his services.

Other than his personable personality, his knowledge in gastroenterology is incredible with the ability to treat over 40+ conditions, some of which include:

  • Anal Fissures
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Celiac Disease
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Constipation
  • Gastric Cancer
  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Ischemic Bowel Disorder
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Irritable Bowel Disorder
  • Malignant Neoplasm of Esophagus

With his experience, he is also able to carry out a number of gastroenterology related procedures such as Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Proctosigmoidoscopy, Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

If you live in North Carolina and you are looking for a reliable and reputable gastroenterologist, then Dr. Marc Magod is one of the best you will find around. His office is open for business from Monday through Friday from 8.00am to 5.00pm. He is not available over the weekend.

Address: 1002 N Church St Ste 201 Greensboro, NC 27401

Phone: (336) 378 – 0713

Dr. Kenneth Brown

Dr. Kenneth Brown is one of Texas’ finest when talking about gastroenterologists in the country. Under his belt is an immense wealth of knowledge and experience, having been practicing medicine from 1992.

Dr. Kenneth Brown’s journey as one of the best GI doctors in the United States started after graduating with a Degree in Biology and Spanish from Dana College in 1992. His quest for knowledge and excellence saw him join University of Nebraska Medical Center where he, again, graduated in 1998 with an M.D. He then proceeded for his Residency in Internal Medicine at University of Texas Health Center in 2001 before finally going for Fellowship in Gastroenterology and Hepatology from the same institution in 2004.

Among the distinguishing attributes that make Dr. Kenneth Brown a real star in gastroenterology is his passion for research and the genuine desire to help his patients. He is an active researcher dedicated to the delivery of positive patient outcomes and world-class services.

This is evident from his recent clinical research work where he focuses on finding solutions to IBS related complications for instances where the regular pharmaceutical drugs have performed dismally. Consequently, he launched a drug known as Atrantil in 2015 and the drug has been clinically proven to be effective at relieving IBS-like symptom such as abdominal discomfort and bloating.

On matters experience, Dr. Kenneth Brown’s record is just as illustrious as his academic and research records. With all the research he is involved in and the production of IBS drugs, you can bet that his knowledge in gastroenterology is nothing but spectacular.

As such, he is an expert in bringing relief to a various GI related issues such as-:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Constipation
  • Rectal Bleeding
  • Bloating and Gas
  • Reflux
  • Hemorrhoids

His outstanding performance has seen him get recognition from various national and international bodies. And under his practice, he has bagged several honors such as Award of Excellence in Outpatient Clinic Care, Best Doctor in Dallas(2009), Top 10 Doctors in Texas (2017), Patient Choice Award (2008 – 2017) and Castle Connolly Top Regional Doctor (2012 – 2017).

Away from the clinics and the research laboratories, Dr. Kenneth Brown is an active community member and is heavily involved with the local organizations and his kid’s academic and youth athletic activities. He also regularly participates on health-related podcasts and is an avid contributor to lots of national publications and television shows touching on digestive health.

Address: 1600 Coit Road, Suite 301 Plano, TX 75075

Phone: 972-867-0019

Dr. Edgar Akchar

Every time you have issues with your gastrointestinal health, your desire will always be to be attended to by a relevant doctor of high repute in the country, and Dr. Edgar Akchar is one such practitioner whose services you can safely trust. With his extensive skills and experience in GI – spanning over three decades, under his care you will be guaranteed of not only affective possible treatment but also high-quality post-care which is essential for quick recovery and complete healing. Whether you call in for a routine checkup or you want to have a major GI procedure, in Dr. Edgar’s hands, you will always be safe.

The meticulous nature of the doctor’s practice and conduct didn’t just come from nowhere. He is a decorated scholar, an industry leader and a regular participant in lots of research and educational programs. As far as his education is concerned, Dr. Edgar Akchar obtained his medical degree from St. Joseph University in Beirut, 1964, and then proceeded to Lahey Clinic in Boston in 1967 for his residency and then fellowship in gastroenterology in 1968. His clinical practice started at Rizk Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, before he joined Cleveland’s Clinic’s Department, where he practices up to date.

Dr. Akchar’s main specialization in GI include but is not limited to the following conditions-:

  • Motility testing
  • Esophageal disorders
  • Barret’s esophagus
  • Endoscopic surgery
  • Colonic polyps
  • Colitis
  • Colonoscopy

Due to his immense experience, skills and teaching prowess, the board-certified doctor in internal medicine and gastroenterology has served on Cleveland Clinic’s Board of Governors and Board of Trustees. During his tenure here, he held different leadership positions such as The Board’s Vice Chairman, The Director – Office of Clinical Effectiveness, Vice Chairman – Digestive Disease Institute, and Associate Chief of Staff.

As expected, a doctor of his stature must have a couple of prestigious awards under their belts, and some of the most distinguished awards he has received include a Master in ACG in 2008 and the Distinguished Clinician of the Year Award in 1998. Dr. Akchar is also a polished publisher, and a mentor with more than 30 years of training and helping young doctors become decorated gastroenterologists just like himself.

With the wealth of experience, as well as the high record of success rates in his procedures, it is easy to understand why he is a busy man every day of the week.

Address: 9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44195

Phone: (800) 223-2273

Dr. Rober V Buccini

Dr. Rober V Buccini is a highly decorated North Carolina based gastroenterologist currently practicing at his private facility in Greensboro, North Carolina. With his hard-earned degree from the prestigious University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and immense experience gained over decades of practice, the doctor enjoys an enviable reputation as not just a leading GI doctor in North Carolina, but also one of the big shots in the entire country.

Dr. Buccini is well experienced to offer treatment over 58 gastrointestinal conditions including-:

  • Anal or Rectal Pain
  • Anemia
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Benign Tumor
  • Cirrhosis
  • Constipation
  • Diverticulosis
  • Duodenal Cancer
  • Dysphagia
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Esophageal Ulcer
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastric Ulcer
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding
  • Hernia
  • Hepatitis C
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Viral Hepatitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Indigestion

The talented doctor also has the necessary skills to carry out a number of GI related procedures with very high success rates. Some of the procedures he has successfully done in the past include-:

  • Gastroenterology Procedure
  • Endoscopy
  • Proctosigmoidoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, and Colonoscopy
  • Fluid Incision and Drainage or Abscess
  • Cyst Drainage or Aspiration

With ZERO malpractice claims, ZERO sanctions, and ZERO Board actions, in the doctor’s hands, you are assured of high quality GI care in the country.

Address: 1002 N Church St Ste 201, Greensboro, NC 27401

Phone: (336) 378-0713

Dr. Blumberg Darren

Some of the greatest considerations when it comes to choosing a GI doctor for your gastrointestinal health issues is the doctor’s experience in the industry, their success rate and specific areas of specialization in this particular field. You will also desire to consider how exactly the doctor handles and cares for their patients before, during and after the treatment.

With that said, the next doctor that gets a worthy mention on our list of the top gastroenterologists in the US is none other than Dr. Blumberg Darren. He is a doctor of exceptional skills and expertise in gastroenterology, has been practicing since 2003, and currently an attending physician at Morrison Town Medical Center in New Jersey.

Dr. Darren is one of the most caring and compassionate doctors you will ever encounter, and whom in his own words, he equates his patients to his family members and promises to avail himself and take care of them just as he would for his close family members.

The decorated doctor began his journey as a gastroenterologist with a Bachelor’s Degree from Lehigh University, and this was later followed by a medical degree from the prestigious St. Georges University School of Medicine. He then proceeded to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital for his Internal Medicine Residency – where he served as the Chief Resident.

With several insurance companies accepted, many patients travel from far and wide to come and seek the quality care provided by Dr. Warren. Throughout his career, he has handled a variety of gastroenterology related complications, where he specializes mostly in non-surgical procedures as the primary component of providing care to his patients.

You can thus reliably trust the doctor for diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as-:

  • Celiac Disease
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Constipation
  • Cirrhosis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Esophagitis
  • Duodenitis and Gastritis
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disorder
  • Infectious Liver Diseases
  • Peptic Ulcers
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Hemorrhoids

With his immense experience and versatile skills in this field, the doctor has also performed of GI related procedures with very high rates of success. Some of these procedures include-:

  • Colonoscopy
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Proctosigmoidoscopy
  • Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

It is also worth mentioning that the five-star rated doctor is also a polished author and a co-author of a plethora of articles and abstracts that were published in some of the prestigious peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals in the world. He also cherishes research work, devoting his primary concern to diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis.

Due to his skills, hard work and dedication to have a positive impact on the lives of his patients and the community in general, Dr. Darren has been the recipient of various awards such as Jersey Choice Top Doctor 2015, 2017, and Inside Jersey Top Doctors Award.

Address: 140 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932

Phone: (908) 273 4300

Dr. Vincent C Schooler

Dr. Vincent Schooler is another reputable digestive health expert that proudly makes it to our list of the top 15 GI doctors in the United States. What separates the top performing GI doctors and the average ones is their experience, specific skill set and most importantly, how they care for their patients. On all of these fronts, Dr. Schooler scores impeccably, and he is one doc you will be glad handled your case.

With more than 18+ years of experience, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Medicine alumni have developed the competency to diagnose and treat more than 55 gastrointestinal related issues and performed various successful procedures with an excellent success rate of more than 97% compared to his peers.

Some of the services and treatments offered by Dr. Vincent Schooler include:

  • Abdominal Disorder
  • Duodenal Ulcer
  • Hernia
  • Anemia
  • Duodenitis
  • Ileus
  • Autoimmune Disease
  • Dysentery
  • Indigestion
  • Barret’s Esophagus
  • Enteritis
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Benign Tumor
  • Esophageal Ulcer
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Blood Disorder
  • Esophagitis
  • Malnutrition
  • Liver Damage from Alcohol
  • Gas-Bloat Syndrome
  • Cirrhosis
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Gastroparesis
  • Viral Hepatitis

To crown, the doctor’s lustrous practice is awards and recognition from very respectable bodies and institutions he’s received multiple recognitions including the “Healthgrades Honor Roll” – an online platform that reviews and honors doctors with impeccable records and the highest standards of care to patients.

The doctor is affiliated to The Moses H Cone Memorial Hospital, and he accepts a variety of insurances, making his services available to a wide range of patients, from both locally and internally. It is also inspiring to note that doctor has never received any board actions, or sanctions and there is no malpractice claim ever made against him. This makes him the real deal for all your GI related complications.

Address: 1002 N Church St Suite 201 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401-1439

Phone: (336) 273 9060

Dr. Mazen Albeldawi

Dr. Mazen Albeldawi is a highly skilled gastroenterologist currently offering his services at Naples, Florida. The highly rated doctor is licensed and board-certified in gastroenterology and internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine.

The journey towards his incredible medical career and as one of the top 15 gastroenterologists in the United States began with his attainment of an undergraduate degree at University of Western Ontario, before proceeding to Ross University School of Medicine for his medical degree in 2009. He then proceeded to do his internship, residency, and Fellowship at Cleveland Clinic. Currently, he is practicing in Florida, and he has affiliations with Naples Community Hospital Downtown Naples and NCH North Naples Hospital.

With his knowledge, skills, and experience gained over a decade of practice, Dr. Mazen Albeldawi not only offers the diagnosis and treatment for the general gastrointestinal issues but also specializes in treating more complex conditions as well as performing very detailed and sensitive procedures. Some of the gastrointestinal conditions he can diagnose and treat include the following-:

  • Abdominal Disorders
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Begin Tumor
  • Blood Disorders
  • Celiac Disease
  • Colon Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Colon Polyp
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diaphragmatic Hernia
  • Duodenal Cancer
  • Dysphagia
  • Hepatitis C and D
  • Gastroparesis
  • Esophageal Varices
  • Liver Damage from Alcohol
  • Pouchitis
  • Pyloric Stenosis

The procedures he has undertaken in the past, and which he recorded very high success rates include-:

  • Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastronomy
  • Liver Biopsy
  • Excision of Anal Tags
  • Hemorrhoid Treatment
  • Endoscopy
  • Endoscopic Polypectomy
  • Esophagoscopy
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
  • Fecal Impaction Removal
  • Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
  • Colon Cancer Screening
  • Colonoscopy

Other than being one of the leading gastroenterologists in Florida and the United States, Dr. Mazen Albeldawi does not restrict himself to the clinics alone. He is heavily involved in medical research and has made several publications over the duration he has been practicing.

It implies that he is an active doctor and scholar who is always well equipped with current knowledge on diseases and conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and this makes him a highly efficient fellow. He is also an active community member who is always ready to interact with the community since those are the very people who rely upon him for the treatment of various GI conditions.

If you live in Florida and you want to be attended to by one of the best gastroenterologists in the country, then you can always rely on the Gastrointestinal health services rendered by Dr. Mazen’s clinic.

Address: 1285 Creekside Blvd E Suite 102 Naples, FL 34109

Phone: 239-624-8070

Dr. Alan R Gingold

Dr. Alan R Gingold is a decorated, highly skilled top rated 4.9-star gastroenterologist currently practicing in Somerville, New Jersey. Practicing as a board-certified gastroenterologist since 2000, Dr. Alan has been keen to grow his career and practice through the provision of personalized gastroenterology care, earning him great respect and administration from both local and international clients. He is licensed in both internal medicine and gastroenterology, and he is considered as one of New Jersey’s “most excellent” as far as treating GI conditions is concerned.

Dr. Gingold began his medical career with an undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan before proceeding to Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine for his MD. He graduated from the medical school in 2000 then proceeded to Beth Israel Medical Center for his Internship, Residency, and Fellowship which he completed in 2006.

Though he is a skilled and extremely versatile doctor, his main areas of expertise and for which most patients like to consult him on, include hemorrhoidal banding, chronic liver disease, reflux disease, Barret’s esophagus and capsule endoscopy.

The other conditions diagnosed and treated by him include-:

  • Chronic Hepatitis B and C
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Diaphragmatic Hernia
  • Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Stomach Ulcer
  • Anal Fissure
  • Acute Pancreatitis
  • Celiac Disease
  • Enteritis
  • Esophageal Diseases

Dr. Gingold also performs various gastrointestinal procedures such as colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, Argon laser treatment, liver biopsy, and hemorrhoid procedures.

With regards to customer satisfaction, treatment and recovery, the doctor enjoys an incredible success rate due to his unique approach when dealing with patients. His methods assure patients of quality care and the fact that the doctor is truly interested in their wellbeing.

To add to his bag of achievement, the doctor has been the recipient of various prestigious awards, including New Jersey Monthly Top Doctor (2015, 2016, 2017), Top Doctor by NJ Top Docs (2015, 2016, 2017), Patients’ Choice Award, Parents’ Choice Award, Bridges to Excellence IBD Care Recognition, Compassionate Doctor Recognition and Top 10 Doctor/New Jersey Gastroenterologist.

Additionally, he is an active scholar who has contributed to several articles, abstracts, and publications in the medical field, with the most notable ones being Tetratology, Life Sciences, Digestive Diseases and Sciences publications.

For Dr. Gold, his success as a highly rated gastroenterologist in the US is due to the amount of time and dedication he puts while attending to his patients. This is how he manages to understand their problems and offer them personalized and specialized treatment necessary for quick recovery.

Address: 511 Courtyard Dr. Ste 500, Hillsborough, NJ 0844

Phone: (908) 218 9222

Dr. Arshad Malik

Dr. Arshad Malik is one of the most respected gastroenterologists in the United States and is currently carrying out his practice at Plano, Texas. He is a board-certified gastroenterologist and one of the very few GI doctors in the country who have managed to complete fellowships in both hepatology (liver disease) and gastroenterology. With his skills, experience and vast knowledge in the field, he possesses an innate ability to connect with his patients and carry out GI tests and procedures, in a professional and personal manner which will not just lead to quick recovery, but also to ultimate satisfaction by the patient.

Dr. Malik did his undergraduate at the Adamjee Science College in Karachi, Pakistan before proceeding to The Agha Khan University Medical College where he graduated in 1993. He then proceeded to the University of Texas at Houston for his internship and residency which he completed in 1996 and 1998 respectively. He then enrolled for the rigorous hepatology fellowship at the same institution until successful completion in 1999.

The extensive training and tremendous medical experience the doctor has amassed over the years have given him the skills needed to diagnose and treat more than 65 GI and related conditions. This include-:

  • Abdominal Disorders
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Blood Disorders
  • Benign Tumor
  • Colon Disorders
  • Cirrhosis
  • Constipation
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Diverticulitis
  • Duodenal Cancer
  • Gastroparesis
  • Hernia
  • Hepatitis C
  • Intestinal Ischemia
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Viral Enteritis
  • Rectal Bleeding
  • Reflux Esophagitis
  • Neoplasm of Gastrointestinal Tract
  • Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Dysphagia

He is also an expert in various GI procedures such as upper endoscopy, removal of polyps, esophageal dilation, Barret’s ablation, capsule endoscopy of the small bowel, colonoscopy and hemorrhoid banding.

In addition to spending most of his time offering the best possible gastrointestinal care to his patients, the decorated doctor is involved in several research studies and has published in various respected medical journals such as The Annals of Internal Medicine, Digestive Disease and Sciences, and American Journal of Gastroenterology amongst others.

His hard work and dedication to improving the standards in the field have earned him recognition from peers as well as awards from much respected medical bodies around the country. He has been the recipient of the Red Sash Teaching Award at the University of Arkansas for Medical Science, and also he received the Best Gastroenterologist in Central Arkansas Award in 2008 and 2010.

Under his care, you can expect the best possible gastroenterology care in Texas and the United States in general.

Address: 1600 Coit Rd Ste 300 Plano, TX 75075.

Phone: (972) 985-2300.

Dr. Nilesh Mehta

Dr. Nilesh Mehta is not just one of the best gastroenterologists in New York City, but admiringly, he is also one of the leading practitioners in the entire country. The doctor began his practice in 1998 after graduating from M.G.M Medical College. He is duly licensed and board-certified in both internal medicine and gastroenterology and is very keen on providing the best possible care to his clients, thus making him one of the ideal doctors to see if you are suffering from any gastroenterology related condition.

His extensive training, skills, and experience he has gained over the years leave no doubt to his ability to diagnose and treat various gastrointestinal related conditions. You will be pleased to know that he can treat over 70 diseases. Some of the conditions which he specializes in and which most of the patients come from far and wide to see him for include -:

  • Abdominal Disorders
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Cirrhosis
  • Colon Polyp
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Duodenal Cancer
  • Dysphagia
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Esophageal Ulcers
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastroparesis
  • Hepatitis
  • Pyloric Stenosis
  • Stomach Ulcer
  • Stomach Diseases
  • Small Intestines Cancer
  • Viral Hepatitis
  • Reflux Esophagitis
  • Neoplasm of Gastrointestinal Tract
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Pancreatitis
  • Blood Disorders

This diligent and hardworking gastroenterologist is also a master when it comes performing various gastrointestinal procedures – something he does so well that he is rated highly by both colleagues and patients. His primary expertise in gastrointestinal procedures include-:

  • Colon Cancer Screening
  • Capsule Endoscopy
  • Colonoscopy with Polypectomy
  • Endoscopy
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
  • Hemorrhoid Bleeding
  • Liver Biopsy
  • Anoscopy
  • Manometry
  • Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastronomy

One unique aspect of Dr. Nilesh Mehta’s practice is the use of non-surgical treatment approaches which not only makes treatment comfortable but also makes a recovery for the patient quick and as painless as possible. This is one of the major factors that has made him a doctor of admirable repute in this field and is also one of the reasons why he makes it to our list of the best 15 GI doctors in the United States.

You will be pleased to know that it is on infrequent occasions that patients complain or even develop side effects or complications following his treatments. As such, he enjoys very high ratings according to reviews submitted by clients. He is currently an active practitioner and a staff member at Digestive Disease Care in New Hyde Park, New York. If you are in New York and you are interested in getting your gastrointestinal issues checked by the best of the best, then you have every reason to visit Dr. Nilesh Mehta.

Address: 915 Hillside Ave New Hyde Park, NY 11040 – 2529

Phone: (516) 437 – 9000

Dr. Alexander Mantas

If when you are searching for a gastroenterologist to trust with your GI treatment needs, you will desire to work with very best as this is the only way for quality care, quick recovery, and dependable patient-doctor relationship. To find such a doctor, you will consider factors such as their experience and training as well as their rates or success at treating conditions like yours.

With that said, Dr. Alexander Mantas makes it next on our list of the best gastroenterologists in the United States. At just 38 years of age, you will be pleased to know that the young doctor meets every criterion you would search for when in need of a reputable gastroenterologists. He has the education, skills, experience, and compassion necessary for providing quality and dependable GI diagnosis and treatment.

In his practice, the doctor is keen on offering to his patients the most comprehensive and up to date GI care.  He is also a good community member and is always delighted to give back to his community in North Texas, which he says nurtured his academic growth and turned him into the doctor he is today. According to him, success in any therapy or treatment given by a doctor has its genesis on a formidable doctor-patient relationship grounded on information, communication, education, and compassion.

As a leading GI doctor in the United States, Dr. Mantas is always ecstatic to help patients regain their state of perfect digestive health by using modern science and cutting-edge technology for correct, accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment of various GI related conditions.

His core areas of specialization include hemorrhoid treatment, obesity, colon cancer screening, gastrointestinal genetic testing, women’s digestive health and weight loss. He also possesses excellent endoscopic skills that span beyond the fundamentals of basic endoscopy and stretches deep into advanced endoscopic techniques such as endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic ultrasound, and enteroscopy.

Just as is always the case with most performing doctors in any field, Dr. Mantas is a polished researcher and author with several respected medical publications. He is a member of various professional associations, and he is also affiliated to some of the leading bodies in the industry, including:

  • American College of Gastroenterology
  • Texas Medical Association
  • Texas Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  • American Gastroenterological Association
  • American Medical Association

The facilities which he has affiliations with include Medical City Dallas Hospital and Old Town Endoscopy Center, where he serves patients from all over the country and members of the community in which he belongs.

Address: 12200 Park Central Ste 403 Dallas, TX 75251

Phone: 214-617-2000

Dr. Kathyrin Kirk

Dr. Kathyrin Kirk is one of the leading female gastroenterologists in the United States and another one who deserves mention when talking about the top GI doctors in the United States. She is affiliated with Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center, George Washington University Hospital, and Washington Hospital Center. She is not just certified in gastroenterology and internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine but also has gained adequate skills, experience, and expertise such that she is currently one of the most preferred gastroenterologists in Washington DC.

Dr. Kirk earned her undergraduate degree from the prestigious Princeton University before proceeding for her medical degree at Weill Medical College of Cornel University. She then proceeded for her residency in internal medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center before undertaking the rigorous fellowship in Hepatology and gastroenterology at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Her uniqueness in providing quick and dependable diagnosis and treatment of various GI related conditions has made her earn respect and admiration from both colleagues and patients, especially from her female patients. She has a likable personality that enables her to immediately connect with her patients in a special manner, thus creating room for effective communication which is vital for a great doctor-patient relationship.

The gastrointestinal conditions in which Dr. Kathyrin excels in providing relief are many, with the following being just a few of them-:

  • Colon Cancer
  • Colon Polyp
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Duodenal Cancer
  • Dysphagia
  • Esophagitis
  • Gastric Ulcer
  • Gastroparesis
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Ileus
  • Reflux Esophagus
  • Small intestines cancer
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Diverticulosis

It is important to state that in addition to the above, the doctor is also well decorated when it comes to performing gastrointestinal procedures. She is not just skilled but also can provide top quality services using advanced tools and technology that will enable her patients to experience less pain and recover quickly. Some of the GI procedures she has performed with exceptional results in the past include-:

  • Capsule Endoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Colon Cancer Screening
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening
  • Endoscopy
  • Endoscopic Polypectomy
  • Gastroenterology Procedures
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

The skills, experience and unique dedication to patient care she has demonstrated over the years has made her get recognized and awarded for her contribution to the practice. She is the proud and well-deserved recipient of the Best Washingtonian Award, 2015, Washingtonian Top Doctor 2014, and the 2012 Top Doctors Washingtonian Award. If you are in Washington and you suffer from digestive related issues, Dr. Kathyrin is one of the best practitioners you will have around. Don’t hesitate to call her or visit her.

Address: 5550 Friendship Boulevard Suite T90 Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Phone: 240-737-0085.

Dr. Garry F. Ciambotti

Dr. Garry F. Ciambotti brings over 25 years of hands-on experience to his practice, and he is one of the double board-certified doctors by the American Board of Internal Medicine and in gastroenterology and internal medicine you can reliably trust to help bring relief to all your gastrointestinal issues.

Dr. Ciambotti earned his medical degree from American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, then proceeded for his residency in internal medicine at St. Francis Medical Center. His fellowship in gastroenterology was at Allegheny General Hospital.

Dr. Ciambotti is now the proud provider of gastrointestinal health treatment services in various hospitals and clinics he is associated with, including Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Allegheny General Hospital, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and North Hill Passavant Hospital.

So meticulous and thorough is his works that he has received prestigious awards in the medical field, with the most notable ones being On-Time Doctor’s Award and Patients’ Choice Awards. These are some of the most prestigious awards any doctor can get, and this is a subtle indication of just how proficient and trustworthy Dr. Ciambotti is with his work.

To maintain his top spot as a leading gastroenterologist in the United States, Dr. Ciambotti does more than just attend to patients in the hospitals. He is involved in active research work, has published quality industry books and guides and is also a regular contributor to several publications, articles, and medical journals. As a result, his comprehension of the practice is fresh and stellar, and this has made him come up with very effective treatment plans which have always granted his patients quality care and fast recovery of the treated GI condition.

He is a prolific doctor with the versatility to attend to a myriad of gastrointestinal conditions such as-:

  • Infectious Liver Disease
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Duodenitis and Gastritis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Bleeding in the Digestive Tract
  • Esophagitis
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Diverticulosis
  • Rectal Abscess
  • Anal Fissure
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Constipation
  • Collagenous Colitis
  • Acute Renal Failure
  • Acid Reflux
  • Colitis
  • Abdominal Hernia

With the decades of experience, his contribution in studies and research, as well as the meticulous nature with which he cares for his patients, Dr. Ciambotti will remain one of the top gastroenterologists in the United States, and through the books he has published, he will be remembered for a very long time.

Address: 511 Courtyard Dr. Ste 500 New Brunswick, NJ 08844.

Phone: 908 – 821 – 8922

Dr. Leon Kavaler

Suppose you developed gastrointestinal complications when you are in New York City and you asked for recommendations for a top gastroenterologist, there are higher chances that the name Dr. Leon Kavaler will be featured in the recommendations you receive and rightly so because Dr. Kavaler is one of the most proficient gastroenterologists whose reputation spreads beyond New York City to the rest of the country and outside the borders.

The five-start doctor is a board-certified gastroenterologist with immense experience in helping patients with various digestive disorders find relief and put an end to whatever conditions may be bothering them. He is a compassionate doctor whose only desire is always to provide quality care to his patients using his immense skills and knowledge, coupled with cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat patient conditions.

As such, his practice if full of glossy reviews and recommendations from hundreds of satisfied customers and this is partly why he makes it to our list of the best 15 GI doctors in the United States.

His education journey to become the reputable doctor we see today started with a degree in medicine from the State University of New York, Upstate Medical University. A residency in internal medicine then followed this and then the gruesome fellowship in gastroenterology both from The Mount Sinai Hospital.

Though his primary concern is providing the best quality gastroenterological diagnosis and treatment to his patients, he is also involved in teaching upcoming gastroenterologist in various facilities, with his major base being Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, where he is also the lead Clinical Instructor of Medicine.

His approach in handling the patients who call in for his services is to keenly listen to them, establish trust and genuine patient-doctor relationship in a warm, calm and conducive environment for better results. Having been in the industry for so long has enabled him diverse his techniques and methodologies such that he will always concentrate on the most effective personalized approach when handling cases.

It is such approaches that have made him stand out from the majority of practitioners and made him be considered one of the best gastroenterologists in the country.

The experienced doctor has the skills and versatility to diagnose and treat a plethora of gastrointestinal conditions such as:

  • Esophagitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disorder
  • Anal or Rectal Abscess
  • Benign Polyps of the Colon
  • Celiac Disease
  • Constipation
  • Chronic Pancreatitis
  • Diverticulosis
  • Diverticulitis
  • Gastritis and Duodenitis
  • Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Small Intestines/Colon Cancer
  • Intestinal Obstruction
  • Irritable Bowel Disorder
  • Malignant Neoplasm of Colon
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseas

Additionally, he is equipped with the requisite training and experience to carry out gastrointestinal procedures such as:

  • Colonoscopy
  • Esophageal Dilation
  • Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
  • Sigmoidoscopy

Due to his immense knowledge and outstanding services in providing gastrointestinal care in New York, Dr. Kavaler has not just earned admiration from colleagues and patients, but also has been recognized by some of the most reputable authority bodies in the field, including ZocDoc.

It is also pleasing to note that Dr. Kavaler is a member of the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, American Medical Association and the American Gastroenterological Association. Finally, he has received continuous selection as one of New York Super Doctors ever since 2009. It is a considerable demonstration at just how lustrous the doctor’s career is, and it should be sufficient enough to inspire confidence in you if you ever wanted to get your gastrointestinal treatment from the top doctors in the United States.

Address: 68 East 86th Street New York, N.Y 10028.

Phone: 212 – 535 – 1845

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Gastroenterologist in Port St. Lucie, Florida

If you’re seeking the best Gastroenterologists in Port St. Lucie then our guide will provide you with the information you need to choose the best Gastroenterologist in the area! In our review, we randomly chose 10 Gastroenterologists in the Port St. Lucie area, reviewed them based on patient satisfaction and experience and narrowed the list down to one Gastroenterologist in Port St. Lucie that we believe to be the best in the city!

When choosing a Gastroenterologist, you want to be sure the doctor has a good reputation, great ratings & certification from the state board as these are all indicators as to how effective and experienced the Gastroenterologist is.

After completing our review, we have chosen the Best Gastroenterologist in Port St. Lucie to be Dr. Vikram Tarugu, a Gastroenterologist with years of experience, a 98% patient satisfaction rate and multiple awards that include the Patients’ Choice Reward (only awarded to Gastroenterologists in Port St. Lucie that receive nearly perfect scores from patients), the On-Time Doctor award and the Compassionate Doctor award.

These are some of the multiple reasons that Port St. Lucie patients should use Gastroenterologist Dr. Vikram Tarugu. Between his years of experience, his passion for patient-care and multiple well-deserved awards, choosing the best Gastroenterologist in Port St. Lucie was an easy-to-make decision (and should be for you too!).

Dr. Vikram Tarugu is highly respected within the medical community and is often times referred to as being the best Gastroenterologist within the field with having over 4,500 treated patients across his 20+ years of experience. Of his patient-base, Dr. Vikram Tarugu has completed over 2,100 successful surgeries and from this accomplishment earned multiple medical society recognitions which are only awarded to the most prestigious of doctors and medical professionals.

With the best Gastroenterologist in Port St. Lucie having accomplished so much, his experience and ability to treat multiple conditions is perhaps his most impressive attribute.

Dr. Vikram Tarugu offers a wide array of services:

  • Colonoscopies
  • GERD and Heartburn Treatment
  • Hemorrhoid Treatment/Procedures
  • Upper Endoscopies
  • Laser Removal(s)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

Since starting in his practice of medicine over 20 years ago, Dr. Tarugu has successfully accomplished treatments and procedures many times over (with success) for all of the services listed above.

It’s because of his versatile capabilities and treatment options/experience that he has achieved the title as the best Port St. Lucie Gastroenterologist.

Other than the incredible success, experience and patient satisfaction rate that Dr. Tarugu has accomplished, another reason that he has been selected as the best Port St. Lucie Gastroenterologist is because of how accessible his treatment options are to patients seeking a Gastroenterologist.

With more accepted insurance plans, policies and companies than any other Gastroenterologist in Port St. Lucie, the services and treatments provided by Dr. Tarugu are able to be accessed by nearly any patient regardless of whom you carry your insurance with.

Finding a Gastroenterologist who accepts your insurance policy can in many cases be just as difficult as finding a good Port St. Lucie Gastroenterologist. With Dr. Tarugu, you won’t need to worry about either of these scenarios from occurring as with Dr. Tarugu, you’ll receive the best care within the field while being able to use your insurance provider.

Some of the accepted insurance policies include:

  • Blue Shield California PPQ
  • Humana Medicare
  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Aetna HMO
  • United Healthcare

These are just some of the many accepted insurance policies that Dr. Vikram accepts for treatment.

Preparing for your Appointment with Dr. Vikram Tarugu

Finding out if there are Pre-appointment Requirements

Prior to scheduling your appointment with the best Port St. Lucie Gastroenterologist, you’ll first need to find out if there are going to be any pre-appointment restrictions. As there may be certain requirements before you can be seen (which can include/require you to not eat for a certain period of time prior to the appointment), you’ll need to contact Dr. Tarugu to find out what requirements (if any) need to be met.

Listing and Providing your Symptoms to Dr. Tarugu

Show-up to the appointment with a list of your symptoms, feeling and experience even if you believe that they’re unrelated to your visit as it’s important for Dr. Vikram Tarugu to fully understand your condition and feelings. If you had any previous medical issues/conditions or ailments it’s also important to note these down to share with the doctor.

Being Transparent and Explaining your Circumstances

Believe it or not, life-changes, stress and anxiety can be contributing factors in certain cases. Be sure to answer all of the questions presented by Dr. Tarugu clearly so all aspects of our situation can be carefully taken in to consideration. Dr. Tarugu is your medical professional who can use such information to help provide better and more effective treatment plans/solutions.

Preparing a List of Current Medications

Regardless of whether it’s off-the-shelf or a prescription, be sure to report any and all medications that you take (or have recently taken) to Dr. Tarugu. It’s important to discuss “all” medications that you actively take (in addition to those you’ve taken within the past few months) so he can ensure that no conflictions between medications/treatments occur.

Prepare to bring a Friend of Companion

Dr. Tarugu always recommends and encourages new patients to make their first visit with a friend or family member for emotional and moral support. Not only does a companion help the patient feel more at ease it will also allow the patient to have a second set of ears to help them remember any information that Dr. Tarugu has shared.

Prepare to take Notes

During your appointment with Dr. Tarugu, you’ll be provided with a wealth of information about the center, his background/experience and your situation/treatment. With that said, there’s going to be quite a bit of information exchanged and shared amongst the both of you so be sure to come prepared with a notepad in case you need to take down notes.

While Dr. Tarugu will always be available both during and after the appointment to answer any questions that you may have, it would be a good idea to have your own notes written down for future reference.

Have Questions? Prepare them prior to the Appointment.

When it comes to your health, all questions are important and it’s important to no forget them. If you have questions about the treatment(s) or anything else related to the service(s) provided by Dr. Tarugu, be sure to write them down and bring them to the appointment with you so that you can get the answers you need.

One of the many other reasons that we’ve selected Dr. Tarugu as the Best Gastroenterologist in Port St. Lucie is because he takes the time to sit down with patients to answer any questions that the patient has. Communication between a doctor and patient is something that’s important to Dr. Tarugu as understanding the client is a contributing factor to him successfully treating his patients.

With being highly respected within the medical community and the best rated stomach doctor within the Port St. Lucie area, patients have been using the treatments and services provided by Dr. Tarugu through referrals from past patients and even doctor recommendations.

Whether you need gastrointestinal services or colonoscopy/hemorrhoid treatment, Dr. Vikram Tarugu has the necessary experience and expertise to provide you with the treatment you need while at the same time accepting nearly any insurance policy.

When seeking a doctor, you’re putting your health in the hands of the medical professional so it’s crucially important to understand the credentials and experience of the doctor that’s providing you with treatment and medical advice. Dr. Vikram Tarugu is a highly qualified Port St. Lucie Gastroenterologist with patient care, understanding and treatment being his top priority.

The mission of his treatments and the experienced medical staff in which he employs is to provide effective and individualized medical treatment plans providing patients only the best care possible.

Contact and Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Vikram Tarugu

As you’ve seen, between the experience, expertise, awards and incredible patient care/results, Dr. Vikram Tarugu has been able to become the best Port St. Lucie Gastroenterologist of 2017!

With over 4,500 patients treated in over 20 years and over 2,000 successfully completed surgeries, Dr. Tarugu has continued during this time-frame to pioneer the Gastroenterology treatment field and Port St. Lucie residents are fortunate to have such a qualified Gastroenterologist in the area!

Making your first appointment with Dr. Tarugu couldn’t be easier! To schedule your initial visit, simply contact Dr. Tarugu using the information provided below and you’ll be able to schedule your interview with the center which will be based on your schedule and availability.

With many available appointment windows, Dr. Tarugu is able to accommodate your schedule and will work with you to schedule an appointment that works best for you.

So don’t wait! Get started and schedule your appointment with the best Port St. Lucie Gastroenterologist today!

Phone – (863)-824-3447

Email –

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